Conversation Analysis of Repetition in English Teaching

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinsanshao
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  【Abstract】The paper adopts the perspective of turn-taking in conversation analysis to analyze the repetition in a College English lesson.It aims to explore the effects of repetition in teaching.Finally,the paper proposes some implications for teaching conversation.
  【Key words】repetition; English teaching; conversation analysis; turn-taking
  Repetition is one of the important skills in language communication.People can find it in both written language and spoken language.Thus,English teaching is a special kind of conversation,which is the interaction between the teacher and students,and repetition often appears in it.So it is meaningful to analyze the functions of the repetition in English teaching.By the way,conversation analysis,which was developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s principally by the sociologist Harvey Sacks and his collaborators,is a scientific approach to the study of various language phenomena in conversation.Besides,many scholars (Norrick 1987; Chen Hao 2013) have studied repetition in conversation.
  2.Analysis of the repetition based on turn-taking
  To begin with,the author will illuminate the source and the main content of the material that will be analyzed.Next,the author will list some specific examples of repetition in the lesson to analyze the functions they have in the process of the lesson.
  2.1 Analysis material
  The material is a college English lesson,which is from the fourth Teaching Contest.It is conducted by Dai Jiaqi and it won the first prize in the group of Listening and Speaking.Obviously,the main aim of the lesson is to train students’ skills of listening and speaking.
  2.2 Analysis of the repetitions
  There are many typical excerpts of repetition in the English lesson.After transcribing the teaching video,the author chooses two excerpts to analyze the functions.Each excerpt includes two or more turns.Meanwhile,the turn-taking and the adjacency pairs in these excerpts reflects the interaction between the teacher and the students.
  Excerpt 1:
  01 T:So,first of all,we will do some brainstorming.So,any words you have in your mind when you think of stress? Any words? Ok,how about this girl? (With body language)… Any words do you have in your mind when you think of stress?
  02 S1:Tired.
  03 T:Tired.Very good! Any other words? Ok,how about your neighbor?
  Excerpt 2:
  01 T:When,w-h-e-n do you usually feel stress? All the year round.Ok,how about this gentleman? When do you usually feel stress?   02 S2:Before the test.
  03 T:Before the exams,right? Very good! Because for the students like you,you have what we call,the academic stress,especially during the exam week……
  Excerpt one and excerpt two are from the first part of the lesson—Necessary Evil.It is shown that in both excerpts,the turn-takings are made by asking questions.What is needed to be added is that the teacher will also use body language to make the turn-taking,like the saying—How about this girl? Teacher’s question and the student’s answer construct an adjacency pair.However,the answer and teacher’s feedback can not form an adjacency pair,because the adjacency pair should be a pair with a more related turn-taking,like question-answer,greeting-greeting or offers-acceptance.Answer and feedback is not so much related.In the turn-takings,we can find many repetitions.Obviously,the teacher often uses repetition in his question,like “any words do you …?” and “when do you usually…?”.The teacher uses repetition to make the questions clear.Therefore,the function of these repetitions is to emphasize.It can also be found in teacher’s feedback,there are also repetitions.Usually,the teacher will repeat the student’s answer.Here,the function is to make sure the correction of the answer,like “tired” in the first excerpt.It can be seen from the latter sentence—“Very good!”.
  After analyzing the repetition in the examples,the author finds that in teaching conversations the teacher uses questions,rising tone,body language like gesture to construct turn-taking.Among them,the repetition of questions is the most common one.Meanwhile,the functions of the repetition are changing during the context of the teaching.In conclusion,repetition can be used to express the approval,agreement,emphasis,explanation or to complete the process of teaching.
  [1]Norrick,N.R.Functions of Repetition in Conversation[J].Text.1987(7):245-264.
  [2]陈浩.第二语言口语非流利产出的重复现象研究[J].解放军外国语学院学报,2013 (1):72-77.
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