Golden Throat: Keeping Innovative to Revitalize an Old Brand

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  In the Chinese market, Golden Throat Lozenge has always stood out from the rest throat lozenge. Besides developing its main product golden throat lozenges in the Chinese market, Guangxi Golden Throat Group (hereinafter referred to as “Golden Throat”) has proactively developed new products and explored the overseas market, becoming a new successful case among the old domestic brand.
  Small Golden Throat Lozenge bearing a promising market
  The cool taste of Golden Throat Lozenge must be stored in memory by many people. Golden Throat is a widely recognized brand in China. Originally founded in 1956 as the Liuzhou Candy Second Factory, after more than half a century of development, Golden Throat has been promoted to China’s top 50 medicine production enterprises, with an annual production of 5 billion lozenges, and an annual production scale of RMB 1 billion yuan. In addition, it won honorary titles such as the national high-tech enterprises, outstanding enterprises of China’s food industry, etc.
  At present, Golden Throat has created a mature product group, and the main products are Golden Throat Lozenge, Golden Throat Lozenge-Sugar Free, Banlangen Granules, Children Cold Particles and more than 60 kinds of medicine, as well as Old Toast Yuanchun Wine, Golden Throat New Generation Prebiotics and other more than 10 kinds of food.
  Golden Throat Lozenge has found its way into the Chinese market and has been found in pharmacies of all sizes. “Small Golden Throat Lozenge bearing a promising market,” said Jiang Peizhen, Chairman of Golden Throat. Golden Throat Lozenge has the functions of dispersing wind and clearing heat, resolving toxins and swelling, benefiting the throat and stopping pain, winning widespread praise in the market. In the comprehensive statistical ranking of China’s non-prescription drug enterprises and product brands in 2019, Golden Throat Lozenge won the first place in the category of Chinese patent medicine for throat, which fully shows the recognition of the product in the domestic and foreign markets.
  Apart from the Chinese market, Golden Throat is actively seeking opportunities overseas. By 2019, there were 51 exporting countries and regions, among which Golden Throat has successfully signed agency agreements with all 10 ASEAN countries, exported to nine countries except Laos, and cultivated a number of overseas consumers.
  Adhering to innovation and focusing on health
  “No national health, no comprehensive well-off.” Jiang Peizhen said that Golden Throat has been committed to participating in the health industry, and the sustainable development of Golden Throat cannot be achieved without the concept of “adhering to innovation and focusing on health”. “Innovation and upgrade will lead to a bigger market,” said Jiang.   Golden Throat has experienced innovation and upgrade in equipment, production technology and product R&D for several times. The company has successively introduced more than 20 sets of inspection equipment of 10 advanced production lines from abroad, and created a new dosage form in the pharmaceutical industry to develop high-tech slow-release Golden Throat Lozenge. In terms of production technology, Golden Throat has realized product quality standards in line with international standards, internationalized taste quality, and comprehensively automatized production, and applied a two-ticket system on product sales. In terms of product R&D, Golden Throat has proceeded to market segmentation, and launched the Golden Throat Lozenge-Sugar Free, Golden Throat New generation Prebiotics and other products. The former is applicable to children, obese people and diabetes patients, while the latter can increase the probiotics in the human gut and boost immunity.
  To attract more intellectual support for product R&D, Golden Throat has actively cooperated with Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine and other universities and scientific research institutes. While promoting the leading products of Golden Throat Lozenge, Golden Throat has carried out intensive study on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and classic prescriptions. “The unique efficacy of TCM in fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak shows that the field of TCM is worth further study,” a product R&D staff from Golden Throat said.
  Assistance on anti-epidemic
  Since the outbreak of COVID-19, facing the shortage of medical supplies in China, Golden Throat has taken the initiative to show social responsibility by donating money and medical materials by actively purchasing and collecting materials based on their overseas resources. Golden Throat has successively donated money and materials worth over RMB 1.6 million yuan to 10 hospitals and relevant departments, including Wuhan Qingshan District COVID-19 Headquarters, Liuzhou People’s Hospital, Liuzhou Worker’s Hospital, Liuzhou Emergency Medical Rescue Command Center and Red Cross Society.
  The donated material, in addition to anti-epidemic materials such as masks, protective clothing and alcohol, also include Golden Throat Lozenge that was widely praised by medical staff when they supported Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital during the anti-SARS period. “As a saying goes, illness finds its way in by the mouth. Golden Throat Lozenge can help keep mouth health,” said Jiang Peizhen. Golden Throat Lozenge has the functions of dispersing wind and clearing heat, resolving toxins and swelling, benefiting the throat and stopping pain, which, to some extent, can fight against bacteria and viruses, and has a good effect on medical staff’s cough and sore throat caused by overfatigue.
  In addition to the assistance, Golden Throat has been actively involved in public welfare activities. Every winter, Golden Throat will donate cotton-padded clothes to children living in the mountains. Besides, Golden Throat has made donations to help develop education for 20 consecutive years and expressed regards to teachers for 25 consecutive years. At present, Golden Throat has invested more than RMB 70 million yuan in social welfare undertakings.
  Jiang Peizhen said, “The supreme goal of Golden Throat is to cultivate a one-hundred-year enterprise and set up a one-hundred-year brand to benefit people. Whether it is emergency assistance or long-term public welfare cause, Golden Throat has been committed to doing everything we can and everything needed.”
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世人慌慌张张,只为碎银几两,偏这碎银几两能解万种愁肠。李光前忙忙碌碌,富甲一方,只为世人解万种愁肠。他倾其全部身家,捐助公益,惠泽至今;献血18次,直至70岁方休……  宁可身受冻 不要“改姓毯”  1893年,李光前出生在福建南安县梅山芙蓉乡(今南安市梅山镇竞丰村),在家排行老二。他幼年家境贫寒,但其父李国专对孩子们的教育相当重视,先后送他们去私塾读书。  后来李国专移居新加坡,1903年10岁
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