
来源 :中国药物依赖性杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:todo158
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目的:探讨氯胺酮依赖综合征的临床特点,为诊治这一病症和宣传教育提供依据。方法:对在广州市脑科医院物质依赖科住院治疗的52例氯胺酮依赖者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:氯胺酮依赖综合征的耐受性增加以吸食氯胺酮次数增加为主,28.8%的患者耐受性增加表现不明显,即吸食次数和剂量不定,随环境变化而不同。停吸后戒断症状的出现时间为6-72(24.6±s 18.2)h,极期1-4(2.1±s 1.0)d,持续时间2-10(4.3±s 2.0)d。55.8%患者戒断症状不太明显且可忍受。戒断症状多为主观症状,如焦虑、烦躁不安,易激惹、易发脾气、冲动和失眠等。入院时患者视觉类比量表(VAS)评分为2-10(5.1±s 2.3)分。48.1%的患者心理渴求表现为经常性渴求状态,主动觅药,但觅药行为并未失控,在条件不允许的情况下可控制觅药行为;28.8%的患者表现为条件性或环境性渴求和觅药。患者住院治疗后疗效较好。结论:氯胺酮依赖综合征表现不典型,戒断症状轻,主要表现为主观症状。应根据其特点进行宣传教育和预防。 Objective: To investigate the clinical features of Ketamine dependence syndrome and provide basis for diagnosis and treatment of this disease and publicity and education. Methods: The clinical data of 52 cases of ketamine dependent patients hospitalized in Substance Dependence Unit of Guangzhou Brain Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The increase of ketamine dependent syndrome increased with the increase of the number of ketamine, 28.8% of patients showed no obvious increase of tolerance, that is, the number and dosage of inhalation varies with the environment. The duration of withdrawal symptoms after withdrawal was 6-72 (24.6 ± s 18.2) h, maximal 1-4 (2.1 ± s 1.0) d, and duration 2-10 (4.3 ± s 2.0) d. 55.8% of patients with withdrawal symptoms less obvious and can tolerate. Withdrawal symptoms are mostly subjective symptoms, such as anxiety, irritability, irritability, temper, impulsivity and insomnia. The patient visual analog scale (VAS) score at admission was 2-10 (5.1 ± 2.3) points. 48.1% of the patients showed psychological cravings for their regular cravings, seeking for drugs on their own initiative, but the drug-seeking behaviors did not get out of control and the drug-seeking behaviors could be controlled under conditions that were not allowed; 28.8% of patients showed asconditional or environmental hunger And looking for medicine. Patients hospitalized better curative effect. Conclusion: Ketamine dependence syndrome is not typical, withdrawal symptoms are light, mainly for the subjective symptoms. Should be based on their characteristics for education and prevention.
本研究应用胸腹腔给药治疗恶性体腔积液40例,在青霉素皮试阴性的前提下,每次抽胸腹水500-2300ml后,将OK-432 5KE溶于生理盐水10ml,加入地塞米松5mg,2%的利多卡因5mg注入胸腹腔,5-7天
军事医学人才 ,作为一个特殊群体 ,担负着战时卫生勤务保障及和平时期的卫生预防、诊治、康复、咨询等任务。新的军事革命和可能发生的高技术战争 ,对军事医学人才提出了更高
目的:观察丙泊酚麻醉对成年大鼠空间认知功能及海马CA1区GSK-3β水平的影响.方法:成年SD大鼠经尾静脉注射丙泊酚麻醉6h,苏醒后24 h接受莫里斯水迷宫(Morris Water Maze,MWM)
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