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关于确保民营企业国民待遇,支持民营企业走向国际市场的议案(苏志刚等36名代表)党和国家已经肯定了民营经济的地位和作用,但民营企业在参与市场竞争和生产生活的过程中,却很难得到应有待遇。外资企业享有的优惠政策,民营企业没有;国有企业可以投资的领域,民营企业不可以;公有财产神圣不可侵犯,民营企业的财产却只做一般 The Proposal on Ensuring National Treatment of Private Enterprises and Supporting Private Enterprises to Enter the International Market (36 Delegates including SU Zhigang) The Party and the state have already affirmed the status and role of the private economy. However, during the process of private enterprises participating in market competition and production and life, Difficult to get due treatment. The preferential policies enjoyed by foreign-owned enterprises are not owned by private enterprises; the private-owned enterprises can not invest in the areas where state-owned enterprises can invest; the sacred and inviolable public property, but the property of private-owned enterprises is only normal
本文叙述了近终形连铸的概念、主要优点及其涉及的范围,然后概述了近终形连铸对紧凑型钢材生产线发展的促进作用。 This article describes the concept of near net shape
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
By using the method of literature studies, the author analyzes the causes for the love tragedy in Romeo and Juliet finding that the direct causes lie in the psy
最近,广东省顺德鸿昌化工有限公司被国家人事部正式指定为博士后科学研究工作站,这是中国涂料行业设立的第一个博士后工作站。 Recently, Guangdong Shunde Hongchang Chem
[拼音]guà yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu[出处]灵公好妇人而丈夫饰者,国人尽服之。公使吏禁之,曰:“女子而男人饰者,裂其衣,断其带。”裂衣断带相望而不止。晏子见,公问曰:“