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军人福利待遇是福利在军人生活福利待遇中的具体体现,是整个社会福利待遇体系的一部分,其本质是劳动报酬的转化形式,与军人付出的军事劳动数量质量无直接关系。军人福利的主要任务是通过为军人提供货币、实物或服务,满足军人在劳动生活过程中产生的共同需要和特殊需要,帮助军人解决生活上的困难和提高生活质量,从物质和精神上保证军人正常生活和有效地从事各项工作。一、传统军人福利待遇制度体系存在的问题1.“低工资-高福利”的分配彤式,使军人福利的基本职能被削弱。军人福利的职能是由军人福利的本质属性决定的,是军人福利在客观上所起到的主要作用。在分配形式上“低工资-高福利”的最大特点,就是军人所领取的只是少量的,仅用于吃、穿、用等日常开销的货币工资。而诸如住房等重要的消费品,以及医疗等生活服务,则由国家或军队廉价甚至无偿提供。目前军人生活水平和历史相比的确有了很大提高,但和同时期的其他社会成员相比却反而有下降的趋势,军人生活没有得到充分地改善。同时,它在很大程度上限制了军人在职业、岗位以及地区之间的流动。福利基本功能的削弱将对军人献身国防的积极性、对军队建设产生消极影响。 The welfare of military personnel is the embodiment of welfare in the welfare of military personnel. It is a part of the entire social welfare system. Its essence is the transformation of labor remuneration, which is not directly related to the quantity and quantity of military labor that military personnel pay. The main task of servicemen’s welfare is to meet the common needs and special needs created by soldiers during their labor and livelihood by providing them with money, goods or services, helping them to solve their life’s difficulties and improve the quality of life, and physically and mentally guaranteeing servicemen Normal life and effective work. I. Problems Existing in the Welfare System of the Traditional Servicemen 1. The distribution of the “low-wage-high-welfare” system has weakened the basic functions of military personnel. The function of servicemen’s welfare is determined by the essential attributes of servicemen’s welfare and is the objective function of servicemen’s military benefits. The most prominent feature of the distributional form of “low salary - high welfare” is that the military personnel receive only a small amount of money and wages, which are used only for daily expenses such as eating, wearing and other expenses. Important consumer goods such as housing, as well as services such as health care, are provided cheaply or even at no cost by the state or army. Compared with other social members in the same period, the actual living standards of the servicemen have indeed greatly increased compared with the past history. On the contrary, their military life has not been fully improved. At the same time, it largely limits the movement of military personnel between jobs, jobs and regions. The weakening of the basic welfare functions will have an adverse effect on the military’s devotion to national defense and on the military’s construction.
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经济尚待“市场化”而尚未“市场化”时,有过一种“价格双轨制”。一吨钢材,计划调拨价是1千多元,市场调节价可达1倍以上 同样的商品,价格相差之大,足以让能弄到“批条”的
2011年世界互联网最热关键词:增强现实技术 (AR, Augmented Reality)  这种技术通过网络把虚拟图像、文字、音效等现实生活场景叠加在一起,帮助用户实现超越现实的感官体验。  比如,在巴黎、巴塞罗那、伦敦等大城市,游客可以一眼就看到最近的地铁站;用手机摄像头扫过帅哥美女,就可以看到他/她在社交网站上公开的资料;扫过卢浮宫,关于她的照片,展览信息,周围的饮食建议等信息一网打尽。 
Ashort amateur2 video of two kids smoking on a train was uploaded3 to one of China’s YouTube-like video sharing web sites4 Tuesday, quickly igniting an outcry5