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本文从客车供电和用电两个方面论述了车电技术当前存在的一些问题,并提出了解决办法。 现用发电机提供的是单一电压,既供负载又向蓄电池充电。为兼顾这两方面,结果使负载损坏严重,蓄电池长期亏损使用。这是造成蓄电池大量损坏,使用期缩短的主要原因。传动三角皮带由于电机皮带轮太小,弯曲应力大,因而造成皮带寿命短。针对这些问题,提出了新设计的7kW和5kW供电装置采用双绕组电机,分压供电方式。主绕组提供负载电压保持不变,副绕组与主统组叠加,根据蓄电池状态分挡向蓄电池充电。发电机供电和蓄电池供电实现自动转换。双绕组发电机皮带轮加大,延长了皮带寿命。 另外,还以大量数据说明,目前日光灯管和变换器损坏严重,维修费用高。建议在没解决日光灯管和变换器大量损坏的问题以前,停止扩大使用日光灯,以减少损失,并加强对日光灯、变换器的研究改进。 This paper discusses some existing problems of the vehicle electric power technology from two aspects of passenger car power supply and electricity consumption, and puts forward the solution. Current generator provides a single voltage, both for the load and the battery charge. In order to take both these aspects into consideration, the result is that the load is seriously damaged and the battery is used for a long time. This is caused by a large number of battery damage, the main reason for the shortened life. Transmission V-belt motor pulley is too small, bending stress, resulting in short belt life. In response to these problems, proposed a new design of the 7kW and 5kW power supply unit with double winding motor, partial pressure power supply. The main winding to provide the load voltage remains unchanged, the secondary winding and the main system stack, depending on the state of the battery sub-block to the battery charge. Generator and battery power supply to achieve automatic conversion. Double winding generator pulley increases, extending the belt life. In addition, a large number of data also shows that the current fluorescent tube and converter damage is serious, high maintenance costs. It is suggested that the fluorescent lamp and inverter should be stopped expanding before use to reduce the losses and to improve the research and improvement of fluorescent lamps and inverters before solving the problem of bulky fluorescent tubes and inverters.
胡安·卡洛斯一世是今日西班牙的国王,他虽然来自欧洲最古老的皇室家族波旁王朝,却是现代民主西班牙的象征,他是西班牙民主转型过程中一个最关键的人物。  在集权统治下,独裁者佛朗哥清醒地意识到,在西班牙从专制独裁走向自由民主的过程中,自己肩负着从前者过渡到后者的使命。为了走出历史的陷阱,他毅然选择了胡安·卡洛斯。而胡安·卡洛斯一世果真在他身后创造了人类民主史上的奇迹——西班牙从专制政体安全平稳地过渡到君
随着人们的饲养繁殖,热带鱼的养殖种类也在不断地增加到现今的200多种。现将几种常见的热带鱼的特性与饲养简介如下: 一、七星鱼这种鱼并不十分鲜艳,在鱼体上有绿色带灰的色
本文对复合式柴油机在小负荷低转速工作时所产生的问题的种种原因进行了分析;并提出了改善措拖。 In this paper, the reasons for the problems arising from the operatio