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孔子是否编辑家,已成为当今编辑学研究和“编辑”概念界定中颇有争议的一个焦点问题,至今争论未休,很有必要再系统地对史料加以整理和剖析,以利辨明事理。本文拟从孔子整理编订《诗》谈起,因为《诗经》的成书始末经历代学者的考证梳理,脉络较为清晰,之中孔子整理《诗》的活动究竟属于编辑活动还是著述活动,应当是了然的。同时,也想从孔子编订《诗》之目的、方式及效果方面与当今编辑活动略加比较,以看古今编辑活动之异同,进而探究“编辑”概念的界定。 一 我们都清楚,《诗经》作为我国第一部诗歌总集,其最早的作品产生于西周初期,最晚的创作于东周春秋中期,不但年代跨度长远,而且地域辽阔,其中有的作品产生于王畿,有的则产生于黄河流域和江汉流域。诗歌的内容有宗庙祭祀诗、朝会和典礼诗,有贵族阶级的抒情诗,还有民歌。这些诗篇,绝不是个人或少数人的创作,而是由该时期各代的王官乐师逐渐采集积累,又经过几番整理加工,尔后制成合乐的乐歌,为便于乐工的习演,又书写于简片,这也便是《诗》最早的复本。 据有关史料记载,《诗》流传与应用大约早于孔子创办私学二百年。当时《诗》的传习主要是在贵族的公学,传授者为太史(史官)和大司乐。贵族阶级是很重视学《诗》的,如《左传·僖公二十七年》曾记载:“ Whether or not Confucius edited the home has become a controversial issue in contemporary editorial studies and the definition of “editing.” So far it is debatable that it is necessary to systematically compile and analyze the historical materials so as to facilitate the discerning of reasons. This article intends to talk about the compilation and editing of “poems” by Confucius, for the book of the Book of Songs undergoes the textual research of the scholar, and the context is clearer. In fact, the activities of the poem organized by Confucius are editorial activities or narrative activities. Of course At the same time, we also want to compare the compilation of “poems” by Confucius with the purpose, methods and effects of current editorial activities so as to see the similarities and differences between ancient and modern editorial activities and explore the definition of “editing”. As we all know, the Book of Songs, the first collection of poems in our country, originated in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. The earliest works were produced in the mid-Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Not only was the period span long and long, but some of the works came from Wang Ji, while others are produced in the Yellow River Basin and the Jianghan Basin. The contents of the poem include the sacrificial offering of the ancestral temple, the synagogue and the ceremonial poetry, the lyric poetry of the aristocratic class, and folk songs. These poems are by no means personal or minority creations. Instead, they are gradually collected and accumulated by Wang Guan musicians from different generations during this period. After several times finishing their work, Also written in simple films, this is the earliest “poem” a copy. According to historical records, “Poems” spread and applied about 200 years earlier than Confucius founded private school. At that time, the transmission of “Shi” was mainly in the public school of the aristocrats. The preachers were Taishi (historian) and Da Shi Le. The aristocracy attaches great importance to the study of “poetry”, such as “Zuo Xi public twenty-seven years” has recorded: "
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