Medical equipments high precise detection technology basing on morphology-harris operator

来源 :生物医学工程(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hj11254
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Medical equipments related to life safety of human, it is important to detect by a high precise method. Image mosaic which based on Harris corner operator is a commonly used method in this area;Harris operator has low calculation burden, it is simple and
摘 要:针对新课改我觉得每位教师都应该有自己的思考,不能总是采老式的教育教学方式。时代在进步,学生在转变,所以老师也要跟上时代的步伐有所转变。本文主要结合自己在新课改的浪潮下,去山东学习参观时所得的感受,谈谈新课改中的几点教学方法。  关键词:传统教育;新课改;因材施教;改进教学方法  从上学到高中毕业这十来年,我一直接受的是传统式教育,即老师在课堂上讲,学生在底下记、背、做大量的习题,效果对大多
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