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The Shenyang Mine Machine (Group) Co. Ltd. (Shenkuang Group for short) is a large-sized and backbone enterprise in China for heavy-duty mine machine manufacturing, and is one of China 500 largest mechanical industry enterprises. Shenkuang Group ranked the 12th among the 100 Top enterprises of China in 2001, and the fifth in 2004 among the metallurgy mine equipment enterprises of China. The products made by Shenkuang Group sell in many foreign countries. The export value in 2005 reached nearly 100 million Yuan, a new record in its history. The production value realized 2.5 billion Yuan in 2005, increasing 800 million Yuan ascompared with 2004. The Shenkuang Group has a long-time wish that it wants to make Shenkuang Group a famous enterprise, its products famous ones, and the equipment made in China has a sigil of Shenkuang Group. To the year 2010, Shenkuang Group will become a 10 billion Yuan enterprise, and thus develops into the first-class base in China for heavy-duty mechanical manufacturing. The Shenyang Mine Machine (Group) Co. Ltd. (Shenkuang Group for short) is a large-sized and backbone enterprise in China for heavy-duty mine machine manufacturing, and is one of China 500 largest mechanical industry enterprises. Shenkuang Group ranked the 12th among the 100 Top enterprises of China in 2001, and the fifth in 2004 among the metallurgy mine equipment enterprises of China. The products made by Shenkuang Group sell in many foreign countries. The export value in 2005 reached nearly 100 million Yuan, a new record in its history. The production value realized 2.5 billion Yuan in 2005, increasing 800 million Yuan ascompared with 2004. The Shenkuang Group has a long-time wish that it wants to make Shenkuang Group a famous enterprise, its products famous ones, and the Equipment made in China has a sigil of Shenkuang Group. To the year 2010, Shenkuang Group will become a 10 billion Yuan enterprise, and thus develops into the first-class base in China for heavy-duty mechanical manu facturing.
摘 要 《红楼梦》是一部有世界影响的伟大作品。作者一方面继承了前代作家的创作经验,另一方面又有所发展创造。在《红楼梦》一书中,可以看到很多有关写作的主张,多通过作品中人物的言论来阐述,总结其要,大致有以下几个方面。  关键词 曹雪芹 《红楼梦》 写作主张  一、曹雪芹认为写诗作文“第一是立意要紧”  《红楼梦》第四十八回,写林黛玉与香菱论诗。黛玉说:“词句究竟还是末事,第一是立意要紧。若意趣真了,
摘 要:本文对当前人力资源管理在企业中的现状进行了论述,并且提出了构建人力资源竞争力的对策与措施。通过企业人力资源管理的再造,提升管理能力,充分调动人的积极性、创造性,提升人力资源的优势,从而提高企业的核心竞争力,创造企业的竞争优势。  关键词:人力资源管理 竞争优势 激励机制  一、人力资源管理在我国企业中的现状分析  (一)重学历轻能力与经验  对人力资源管理认识不足许多企业在用人时,只注重学