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从探索意识形态属性的文化产业发展途径,建立有中国特色社会主义新出版体制出发,辽宁出版集团于2000年3月29日正式挂牌运营。在中共中央宣传部、国家新闻出版署和中共辽宁省委、辽宁省人民政府的关怀、领导和支持下,集团成立一年来,通过体制创新和技术创新,对传统出版全面进行改革,在加速实现向现代出版转变的道路上,解放思想、把握方向,奋勇开拓、跨越发展,为中国出版业树立了新的形象,注入了新的活力,带来了新的希望。国内19个省市自治区出版界人士纷纷组团前往辽宁出版集团参观学习,国外一些大出版集团也敏锐地将目光投向辽宁,“辽宁模式”成为业界关注的焦点和谈论的话题。为深入反映辽宁出版集团的创造,本刊主编刘硕良、副主编周化铁、编辑部副主任周蓓、记者冯天平一行四人,于2001年3月5日至9日到辽宁出版集团进行了采访和组稿活动。这里集中刊发一组稿件,包括集团运转一年来的发展全貌和主攻层面,集团的规模和亮点,集团的标志性设施和产品,集团董事长专访和“十五”期间十家实现跨越式增长的下属单位剪影,请读者留意。 Starting from the exploration of the ideological attributes of cultural industries and the establishment of a new socialist publishing system with Chinese characteristics, the Liaoning Publishing Group officially went into operation on March 29, 2000. With the care, leadership and support of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Press and Publication Administration, the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and the Liaoning Provincial People’s Government, the Group made a full-scale reform of the traditional publishing system through accelerated system innovation and technological innovation in the year of its establishment, On the road to the transformation of modern publishing, emancipating the mind, grasping the direction, courageously exploring and leapfrogging has set a new image for the publishing industry in China, infused new vitality and brought new hope. People from 19 domestic provinces, autonomous regions and publishing circles have set up their delegations to Liaoning Publishing Group to visit and study. Some large foreign publishing groups also keenly set their sights on Liaoning. The “Liaoning Model” has become a topic of focus and discussion in the industry. In order to deeply reflect the creation of Liaoning Publishing Group, Liu Shuoliang, chief editor of the magazine, Zhou Tietie, an associate editor, Zhou Bei, deputy director of the editorial department and reporter Feng Tianping and his entourage went to Liaoning Publishing Group Interviews and group activities. A series of manuscripts have been issued here in a concentrated manner, including the overall development and main dimensions of the Group’s operation over the past year, the scale and bright spots of the Group, the Group’s landmark facilities and products, an exclusive interview with the Chairman of the Group and the ten leaps and bounds in the 10th Five- Subordinate unit silhouette, please readers attention.
细节要真而实,这样方能激起感情波澜,所谓“一石激起千层浪”。把各类描写人物的方法进行序列化训练,做到有序有效,由浅入深的进行。 The details should be true and true,