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胡锦涛同志在视察大连社区建设工作时指出:社区建设是新形势下城市工作的重要基础。加强社区建设, 为群众创造安居乐业的良好环境,对于推进城市两个文明建设,保持社会稳定,都具有重要的意义。近年来, 世界卫生组织在各国推行“安全社区”建设项目,得到了广泛的支持。“安全社区”的宗旨是整合社区内各类资 源,开展不同内容和形式的安全推广活动,保证居民安全和健康,最大限度地降低和预防各类意外伤害。“安全 社区”并非单以社区的安全状况为评判指标,它具有广泛的包容性,涉及到人们生活、工作乃至环境各个方面, 涵盖了交通、工作场所、公共场所、涉水、学校、老年人、儿童、家居、体育运动等诸多领域。有必要的组织 机构,有明确的目标和职责,有切合实际的预防项目,有积极的自我评估制度和自我检查、自我纠正、自我完 During his visit to Dalian’s community construction work, Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out: Community construction is an important foundation for urban work in the new situation. Strengthening community building and creating a good environment for people to live and work in peace and contentment are all of great significance for advancing the construction of two civilizations in cities and maintaining social stability. In recent years, the World Health Organization has been widely supported in implementing the “Safe Communities” construction project in various countries. The purpose of “Safe Communities” is to integrate all kinds of resources in the community, carry out various promotional activities of different contents and forms, ensure the safety and health of residents, and minimize and prevent all types of accidental injuries. The “safe community” is not based solely on the security status of the community as a judge. It has a wide range of inclusiveness and covers all aspects of people’s life, work and the environment. It covers areas such as transportation, workplaces, public places, wadings, schools, Elderly, children, home, sports and many other fields. Necessary organizational structures with clear goals and responsibilities, realistic prevention programs, a proactive self-assessment system and self-examination, self-correction, self-fulfillment
目的 :恶性肿瘤细胞逃避Anoikis凋亡的特性是其原位侵袭和远处转移的一个重要原因。本文旨在研究应用人干扰素 (IFN)α2a诱导骨肉瘤细胞出现Anoikis凋亡 ,并深入探讨其产生机
安全生产事关改革发展和稳定大局。党的十六届四中全会作出的《关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》,把 安全生产摆到与人口、资源、环境等基本国策同等重要的位置上。特别是胡