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党的十四届四中全会以后,全省各级党组织按照中央提出的要求和省委的安排部署,在认真调查摸底、分类排队的基础上,采取切实有效的措施,对处于软弱涣散和瘫痪半瘫痪状态以及长期贫穷落后的村党支部进行了集中整顿。全省共整顿后进村党支部1400多个。前不久,省、地、县对整顿情况分别进行了抽查和检查。从检查的情况看,整顿工作取得了明显成效。经过整顿的党支部,多数有了程度不同的变化,绝大多数村的工作有了新的起色,在带领群众脱贫致富方面迈出了新的步子;党支部成员结构、素质有了较大改善;一大批政治素质好、年龄轻、文化程度比较高、有吃苦精神、能带领群众脱贫致富的农民党员被选拔到党支部班子中,担任党支部书记。发现了一批各方面素质比较好、有培养前途的村级后备干部人选,党员队伍建设得到加强,普遍建立健全了党支部工作制度。村民自治组织和群团组织也得到整顿,大多数能够开展符合各自特点的活动。整顿工作促进了农村改革的深化、经济的发展和社会 After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party, Party organizations at all levels throughout the province, in line with the requirements put forward by the Central Committee and the arrangements made by the provincial party committees, have conducted effective investigations and investigations on the basis of careful investigation and sorted them into groups, Paralyzed paralyzed state and the long-term poor and backward village party branch carried out rectification. A total of over 1,400 village party branches have been consolidated in the province. Not long ago, the provinces, prefectures and counties conducted spot checks and inspections on the rectification respectively. From the inspection of the situation, the rectification work has achieved remarkable results. After the rectification of the party branches, most of them have had varying degrees of change. Most villages have made new progress in their work and taken a new step in leading the masses out of poverty and getting rich. The structure and quality of party branch members have been greatly improved ; A large number of peasant members who have good political qualities, are young, have a relatively high level of education, and who are eager to take pains to lead the masses out of poverty and get rich have been elected to the party branch team and served as Party branch secretary. We found a group of candidates for village-level reserve cadres who are better qualified and have a promising future in all aspects. The construction of the ranks of party members has been strengthened and the work system for party branches has been generally established and perfected. Self-governing villagers’ organizations and mass organizations have also been reorganized, and most of them can carry out their own activities. The rectification work has promoted the deepening of rural reform, economic development and society