
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenching
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为做好农业特产税征管工作,尉氏县庄头乡坚持一手抓绿色财源建设,积极调整农业产业结构,促进农村经济发展;一手抓征收管理,依法征税,效果明显。1995年完成农业特产税45万元,1996年完成53万元,1997年完成55万元,1998年上半年完成35万元。1984年以来,累计投放农业特产发展资金50万元,现已发展农业特产税源面积2.5万亩,年总产值1500万元。既为国家增加了财政收入,又支持了农业生产发展。他们的做法是: 一、加强领导,开展税政宣传 庄头乡地处偏僻,土地多沙丘地,种植农作物产量低,收益小。只有大力发展农业特产品生产,才是富民、富乡、富财政的有效途径。为此,该乡党委、政府大力支持发展农业特产生产,十分重视农业特产税征管工作,成立了以乡长为组长的农业特产税征收管理领导小组,专司督促税源普查,解决疑难问题,为农业特产税征管工作奠定组织基础。由于农业特产税政策性强,应税品种多,征收难度大,所以,搞好政策宣传工作就显得特别重要。为此,该乡充分利用广播、标语、宣传车、黑板报和文件汇编等形式,广泛宣传农业特产税政策。自1984年农业特产税开征以来,共编印各种政策宣传材料1200册,出墙报专栏30期,出动宣传车20辆次。通过宣传,为农业特产税征管工作打下 In order to do a good job of special collection and management of agricultural specialties, Weishou County Shountouxiang adhered to the one-hand green finance construction and actively adjusted agricultural industrial structure to promote rural economic development. In 1995, it completed agricultural specialties tax of 450,000 yuan, completed 530,000 yuan in 1996, completed 550,000 yuan in 1997 and completed 350,000 yuan in the first half of 1998. Since 1984, a total of 500,000 yuan of special funds for the development of agricultural specialties have been put into operation. The total area of ​​special tax sources for agriculture has now been 25,000 mu with a total output value of 15 million yuan. Both for the country to increase financial revenue, but also support the development of agricultural production. Their approach is: First, to strengthen leadership and carry out tax publicity Zhuangntouxiang remote and land dunes, crop production is low, the benefits of small. Only by vigorously developing the production of agricultural special products is an effective way of enriching the people, enriching the countryside and enriching the financial sector. To this end, the township party committees and governments strongly support the development of agricultural production, attaches great importance to the work of special agricultural tax collection and management, set up with the mayor as the leader of the agricultural specialties collection and management of leading groups, to supervise the tax source census, to solve difficult problems, For the special agricultural tax collection and management work to lay the organizational foundation. Due to the policy of agricultural special products tax is strong, taxable variety is more difficult to collect, so it is particularly important to do a good job of policy advocacy. To this end, the township full use of radio, slogans, promotional vehicles, blackboard newspapers and compilation of documents and other forms of extensive publicity agricultural special tax policy. Since the special agricultural product tax was introduced in 1984, a total of 1,200 volumes of propaganda materials for various policies were printed out, 30 columns were published in the wall newspaper, and 20 propaganda vehicles were dispatched. Through publicity, special tax collection and management of agriculture laid
一、血液凝固系统 [] 血液凝固系统(凝血系)主要是由血液的凝血因子决定的。近年来,由于生物化学实验方法的进步,这些因子得到精制和提 First, the blood coagula
本刊曾多次收到读者来信,要求增加新药消息,经研究后,本刊拟陆续报导国内外新药在我国医药市场上的动态、新药鉴定、生产和供应情况,以供读者参考选用。 1.第1代头孢菌素 近
三甲氧苄胺嘧啶(下简称 TMP)为一种新型抗菌药物.本身具有一定抗菌活性,抗菌谱与磺胺类相似而效力较强。其本身不是磺胺药物,对其也不主张单独使用。TMP 与磺胺类合用时大大