来源 :Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yap1711
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Space-Time Block (STB) code has been an effective transmit diversity technique for combating fading due to its orthogonal design, simple decoding and high diversity gains. In this paper, a unit-rate complex orthogonal STB code for multiple antennas in Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode is proposed. Meanwhile, Turbo Coding (TC) is employed to improve the performance of proposed STB code further by utilizing its good ability to combat the burst error of fading channel. Compared with full-diversity multiple antennas STB codes, the proposed code can implement unit rate and partial diversity; and it has much smaller computational complexity under the same system throughput. Moreover, the application of TC can effectively make up for the performance loss due to partial diversity. Simulation results show that on the condition of same system throughput and concatenation of TC, the proposed code has lower Bit Error Rate (BER) than those full-diversity codes. Space-Time Block (STB) code has been an effective transmit diversity technique for combating fading due to its orthogonal design, simple decoding and high diversity gains. In this paper, a unit-rate complex orthogonal STB code for multiple antennas in Time Division Duplex Compared with full-diversity multiple antennas STB codes, the (TDD) mode is proposed. Meanwhile, Turbo Coding (TC) is employed to improve the performance of proposed STB code further by utilizing its good ability to combat the burst error of fading channel. Proposed code can implement unit rate and partial diversity; and it has much smaller computational complexity under the same system throughput. And, the application of TC can make make up for the performance loss due to partial diversity. Simulation results show that on the condition of the same system throughput and concatenation of TC, the proposed code has lower Bit Error Rate (BER) than those full-diversity codes.
水仙鳞茎(水仙头)通过雕刻造型能造出维妙维肖、千姿百态的活艺术品。 雕刻水仙要按以下程序进行: 1.剥鳞片。首先把水仙鳞茎上的泥土和枯根去净,然后剥去棕褐色的外表皮,接
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德胜香梨系四川地方品种。 1981年从浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所引入国家果树种质武汉砂梨圃 ,1982年定植。1984年进入结果期。通过 10多年的观察、鉴定 ,该品种质优、丰产、