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在现实社会生活中,为有效地维护公共利益和公共秩序,各级人民政府及其工作部门进行着经常的、大量的、范围广泛的行政管理工作。由于行政权最终要由具体的行政机关和公务员来行使,某些违法或不当的行政行为难以避免,这些违法或不当的行政行为会对相对人的权利造成损害,因此,需要给予行政管理相对人一定的权利救济途径。现代法制国家是通过建立行政复议制度和行政诉讼制度为相对人提供救济的。在我国,行政诉讼是由人民法院对引起争议的具体行政行为进行审查,以保护相对人的合法权益,这一种司法救济,是行政系统外部对行政权的监督形式。行政复议则是与行政诉讼相结合的行政救济制度。它是动用行政机关系统内部的层级监督关系,由上级 In the real social life, in order to effectively safeguard the public interest and public order, the people’s governments at all levels and their working departments carry out regular, large-scale and extensive administrative work. Because the executive power is ultimately to be exercised by specific administrative organs and civil servants, some illegal or improper administrative acts can not be avoided. These illegal or improper administrative acts will infringe upon the rights of the counterparts. Therefore, it is necessary to give relatives A certain way to remedy the rights. The modern legal state provides relief to the relatives through the establishment of an administrative review system and administrative litigation system. In our country, the administrative lawsuit is the people’s court to examine the controversial concrete administrative act in order to protect the legal person’s relative rights and interests. This type of judicial remedy is the form of supervision of administrative power outside the administrative system. Administrative reconsideration is the administrative remedy system combined with administrative litigation. It is the use of administrative agencies within the system to monitor the relationship between the levels, by superiors
The Beginning of Winter(Lidong) falls on November 7 this year on the Gregorian calendar.Across China,the wind starts to grow colder and the days shorter,as wint
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近日继华硕发布全新薄锐U系列笔记本后,旗下U20A、U81A两款已于8月初分别首发国美、苏宁。极致轻薄的华硕U20A折本,配智能发光键盘、点光源轨迹式触控板,12.1 Recently, fol
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摘 要:河北作为京津冀协同发展的重要一极,面对发展中所带来的机遇和挑战,迫切的需要以文化创造的相关理论为指导,谋求文化生产力、文化精神力、文化传承力、文化传播力、文化批判力五位一体的文化创造力整体提升。  关键词:京津冀;河北;文化创造力  文化创造力的提升已经成为京津冀协同发展这一国家战略的重要课题,而河北文化创造力的发展关系着这一地区能否在京津冀协同发展中取得经济、社会、文化等方面的全面发展。
惠普拟组建新集团发展打印管理服务的相关业务。惠普打印与成像集团高级副总裁布鲁斯·达尔格伦说,新集团将帮组企业对打印资源进 HP intends to form a new group to devel