
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whoabc
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闽赣省是1933年4月26日由中央人民委员会第40次常委会批准建立,中央红军第四次反“围剿”胜利后开辟的新苏区。1932年10月,中央红军利用蒋介石集中兵力“围剿”鄂豫皖和湘鄂革命根据地,对中央革命根据地暂未进攻之机,进军建(宁)黎(川)泰(宁)地区,创建了建黎泰革命根据地。次年2月,蒋介石掉头进攻中央根据地之广昌,中央红军在黄陂东陂战役中消灭敌近三个师,俘敌师长二人,缴枪万余枝,取得了第四次反“围剿”的胜利。从此,建黎泰这块新的革命根据地与原来以崇安为中心的闽北根据地及以资溪为中心的信抚根据地连成一片.当时,王明、博古的“左”倾错误路线在党内占统治地位,他们实行的是占领城市的所谓进攻路线,他们认为“争取这一广大区域成为巩固的苏区,实为夺取抚州、进攻南昌的必要条件”,“在政治上军事上均占重要地位”.(见《中央人民委员会第四十次常会》)于是,即决定将这三块根据地合并,建立闽赣省.并任命作霖为中共闽赣省委书记,邵式平为闽赣省革命委员会主席。周恩来亲自提议把闽赣省委机关设在黎川的湖坊村。 The province of Fujian and Jiangxi Province was the new Soviet area opened on April 26, 1933, approved by the 40th Standing Committee of the Central People’s Government and established after the victory of the Central Red Army for the fourth anti-campaign of “encirclement and suppression.” In October 1932, the Central Red Army took advantage of Chiang Kai-shek’s concentration of forces to “encircle-suppress” Hubei, Henan and Anhui and Hubei-Hubei revolutionary base areas and established a system of temporarily attacking the Central Revolutionary Base into the area of ​​Taichung (Ning) Build Li Tai revolutionary base area. In February the following year, Chiang Kai-shek unceremoniously attacked Kwong-chang in the central base area. The Central Red Army destroyed nearly three divisions and captured two enemy commanders in the battle of Huangchuongdong and handed over 10,000 guns and obtained the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign. Victory. Since then, the new revolutionary base area of ​​Ji Lite has been linked up with the base of the Northern Fujian Province, which was originally centered on Chong’an, and the allegiance base headed by Zixi. At the time, the “Leftist” wrong route of Wang Ming and Bogut The dominant positions within the Party are what they call the so-called “offensive line” of occupying the cities. They hold that “fighting for this vast area to become a consolidated Soviet region is actually a necessary condition for seizing Fuzhou and for attacking Nanchang.” They are both politically and militarily Important position. “(See” The 40th Ordinary Session of the Central People’s Committee. ") Therefore, it was decided to merge the three base areas to establish the province of Fujian and Jiangxi Province and appointed Zuolin as secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of Shaopian Province. Revolutionary Committee Chairman. Zhou Enlai personally proposed that the provincial government of Fujian and Jiangxi Province be located in Lifang Lake Village.
<正> 闽赣根据地,是在第三、四次反“围剿”胜利之后(即一九三二、三三年)逐渐建立起来的。我曾生活和战斗在这里好几年。这里的广大群众曾与敌人进行过艰苦卓绝的斗争。每当