
来源 :吉林省教育学院学报(学科版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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目前,我国在校中职学生已达到2000多万人,他们中的绝大多数毕业后将直接跨进社会,步入职业生涯。这必将成为我们国家的一股不可忽视的力量,加强和改进中职学生思想道德教育,提高中职学生思想道德素质,对于全面实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,提高劳动者素质,培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人,具有重大而深远的战略意义。所以,探究中职学生的特点以便更好地有针对性地进行管理和教育,是中职学校的重要工作之一。本文主要是从中职学生的主要心理特点、中职学校音乐教育的现状、开展音乐教育对于中职学校的重要意义三个方面展开分析和归纳,尤其是在第三方面——开展音乐教育对于中职学校的重要意义部分,本人分别对于中职学生的思想政治教育、学习的勇气和自信心、知识结构的完善、审美及仪表四个方面进行了详细的阐述。希望能在当今时代下中等职业学校对学生音乐教育工作方面略尽微薄之力。 At present, China’s secondary vocational school students have reached more than 20 million people, most of them will directly enter the community after graduating, entered a professional career. This will surely become a force that can not be neglected in our country. We should strengthen and improve the ideological and moral education for secondary vocational students and improve the ideological and moral qualities of students in secondary vocational schools. This is of great significance to the full implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the nation through science and education, improving the quality of laborers and training of China It is of great and far-reaching strategic significance for the qualified builders and reliable successors of the socialist cause of special character. Therefore, to explore the characteristics of vocational students in order to better targeted management and education, is one of the important work of secondary vocational schools. This article mainly analyzes and sums up the main psychological characteristics of vocational students, the current situation of music education in secondary vocational schools, and the significance of developing music education for secondary vocational schools. Especially in the third aspect, In the important part of vocational schools, I elaborate on the ideological and political education, the courage and self-confidence of learning, the perfection of the knowledge structure, the aesthetic and the instrumentation separately in four aspects. I hope that in today’s era of secondary vocational schools on student music education work a modest effort.