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美国属普通法系范围的大国,以判例法为主,但是,制定法也是美国法律的重要渊源之一。因此,每年联邦和各州的立法机构大约要制定1500个成文法规,出版成文法规5万余页。如此数量的法规资料。除了通过美国官方法规汇编查找外,其它主要的检索途径就是通过私人出版公司出版、发行的非官方法规汇编。美国非官方法规汇编出版量是相当大的。如果法律工作者了解其内容,掌握其规律,则对美国联邦及五十个州的新旧法规、法规修定、法律条文的废除情况以及与法律条文相关的判例的查找都有极大的帮助。为此,本文简单谈谈美国非官方法 The United States is a big country within the common law system, which is dominated by case law. However, the enactment of laws is also one of the important origins of American law. As a result, the federal and state legislatures annually make about 1,500 statutory regulations and publish over 50,000 pages of written statutes. This amount of regulatory information. In addition to searching through compilations of official statutes of the United States, the other primary search route is a compilation of unofficial laws and regulations that have been published and distributed by private publishing companies. The number of non-official U.S. regulations compiled and published is quite large. If lawyers understand their contents and master their laws, they will greatly help both the old and new laws and regulations in the United States and 50 states, the repeal of legal provisions, the repeal of legal provisions, and the search for precedent related to legal provisions. To this end, this article briefly talk about the United States non-official method
来到海角,还有一个不去就会久久悬想的地方—在东港市大孤山镇偏南19海里处,一只梅花鹿静静卧在海中,它就是大鹿岛。 Came to the Cape, there is a not going to hang arou
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1991年7月23日可算是伦敦大学亚非学院历史上重要的一天,因为这一天,艺术系在这里举办山西佛像艺术研讨会。系主任罗德里克·魏菲尔德先生(Roderick Whitfield)既高兴又发愁