充分发挥廉政歌曲的教育作用 努力营造反腐倡廉的良好社会氛围

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为深入贯彻《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》和中央纪委第五次全会提出的大力加强廉政文化建设的要求,今年中央纪委宣教室在全国范围内组织开展了廉政歌曲创作评选和演唱活动。发动专家和群众积极创作,全国共新创廉政歌曲6.7万多首,举办反腐倡廉歌咏晚会2.4万多场,参加演唱活动的干部群众达3700万人次。经过层层选拔,各省区市纪委和中央各部委纪检组(纪委)向中央纪委共报送了322首歌曲。邀请全国著名音乐专家和各省区市纪委宣教室主任进行评选,115首优秀廉政歌曲分别荣获特等奖和一、二、三等奖。中央纪委宣教室将获奖的优秀歌曲编辑成《全国新创廉政歌曲精选》一书,由中国方正出版社出版。为了发挥廉政歌曲的教育作用,努力营造反腐倡廉的良好社会氛围,中央纪委副书记刘峰岩同志专门撰写了文章,该文对于进一步推动这项工作的深入开展具有很强的针对性和指导性。现将该文刊发如下。 In order to thoroughly implement the “Outline for the Implementation of” Establishing and Perfecting the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption, Equal Attention to Education, Institutions and Supervision “and the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to vigorously strengthen the requirement of building a clean and honest administration, this year the Discipline Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was organized nationwide Independent selection and singing of songwriting. Mobilized experts and the masses to actively create a total of more than 67,000 songs of new clean and honest administrations across the country. More than 24,000 anti-corruption and anti-corruption singing galas were held and 37 million cadres and masses participated in the singing and singing activities. After layers of selection, the Discipline Inspection Commission of all provinces, autonomous regions and commissions (Commission for Discipline Inspection) of the Central Ministries and commissions submitted a total of 322 songs to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Invited famous music experts from all provinces and municipalities Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of Discipline Inspection Office to be selected. 115 outstanding top honest songs were awarded special prize and first, second and third prizes respectively. The Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection compiled the award-winning excellent song into a book titled ”Selection of National New Clean and Integrity Songs", which was published by China's Founder Publishing House. In order to give play to the educational role of clean government songs and strive to create a favorable social atmosphere of fighting corruption and advocating ethical governance, Comrade Liu Fengyan, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, has authored an essay. The article is highly targeted and instructive in furthering this work. This article is now issued as follows.
所谓场致发光,是指固态物质在电场激发下直接把电能转换成光能的发光。 这种发光的主要装置部件是平板电容器。电容器的两极间夹着绝缘层,其中有均匀分布的晶态场致发光体。
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2008年9月26日,经过长达一年的筹备与拍摄,总投资1500万美元的魔幻动作片《画皮》在全国上映。此前, September 26, 2008, after a year of preparation and filming, a tot
盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。绿柳抽出了新芽,嫩草钻出了泥土,呼一口春的气息,吹一吹温暖的东风。  父亲离家出去打工已经三个月了。我站在窗前,凝望着远方,三个月来我几乎每天如此。父亲没有正经的职业,捡着什么干什么,这次又不清楚他去了哪儿。父亲过年后没几天就走了,依然不见父亲归来。眼前新春的景色无疑是美丽的,可我却无心欣赏。  我眨了眨略微酸涩的眼睛。“啾啾,啾啾”,东风送来了远处的鸟鸣