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一种经济,只有根据社会角色以及构成它的各种单位在规模方面和相对权力方面的不平等梯次分布,才是可以想象的。 在整个西方,市场经济的逻辑受到了计划经济逻辑的修正。 ——弗朗索瓦·佩鲁 在方法论上,可以将经济制度概括为两种纯粹的模式——完全集中的中央计划效济体制与完全竞争的市场经济体制。而在战后迅速崛起的新兴工业国家以及日本与西德的经济现实已经充分证明:现代市场经济在很大程度上比这两种体制更具有实践的可靠性:它在更广泛的社会性、计划性以及经济运行的更加自如上远胜于上述两种单一的模式。 可以视亚当·斯密和詹姆斯·穆勒为现代市场经济实践的理论先驱。而国家干预的思想却真正肇始于弗里德希·李斯特。十九世纪四十年代在他的故乡有一位威廉·罗雪尔又尽可能地使之发扬光大,但对这一思想的第一次完整的表达,却是由英国的凯恩斯勋爵完成的。尽管凯氏并不生活于资本主义经济最发达的时空中,但他对最成熟的资本主义经济的全过程了若指掌!其理论在世界范围里的通行正在于这两个条件,而这两个条件也必然地成为他的理论的最后归结。 An economy can only be imagined if it is based on the social role and the unequal distribution of the various units that make up it in terms of size and relative power. Throughout the West, the logic of a market economy has been amending the logic of planned economy. Francois Perutu Methodologically, the economic system can be summed up in two pure modes: a fully centralized central planning system and a perfectly competitive market economy. The economic realities of the newly industrialized countries that emerged rapidly after the war as well as Japan and West Germany have fully demonstrated that the modern market economy is largely more practically reliable than either of these two systems: Planned as well as more economical and efficient operation of the above two kinds of single mode. Adam Smith and James Muller can be regarded as pioneers in the theory of modern market economy. The idea of ​​state intervention actually started in Friedrich Lister. In the 1840s William Wilhelm, a native of his hometown, made every effort to make it possible to flourish, but the first complete expression of this idea was done by Lord Keynes of Great Britain. Although Kerry does not live in the most developed time and space of capitalist economy, he knows all about the most mature capitalist economy! The passage of his theory in the world is under these two conditions, and both of these conditions inevitably become the final conclusion of his theory.
我看了贵刊今年第六期的封面文章《联想之困》,感触颇多,时下,写联想的文章很多,和那些貌似白描实则追捧的文章相比,这篇文章显然更大胆,字里行间能体会作者试图剖析联想之困和如何摆脱目前困境的良苦用心。  看完文章,我在想,如果仅仅是本文提出的三个原因导致联想陷入困境,未免太简单了。  就我多年来对联想的关注,我提一些自己的看法,以期和贵刊交流切磋。  中国有句古话:“当局者迷,旁观者清”,其实往往未必