Design of power balance SRAM for DPA-resistance

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rentianyou123
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A power balance static random-access memory(SRAM) for resistance to differential power analysis(DPA) is proposed. In the proposed design, the switch power consumption and short-circuit power consumption are balanced by discharging and pre-charging the key nodes of the output circuit and adding an additional shortcircuit current path. Thus, the power consumption is constant in every read cycle. As a result, the DPA-resistant ability of the SRAM is improved. In 65 nm CMOS technology, the power balance SRAM is fully custom designed with a layout area of 5863.6 μm~2.The post-simulation results show that the normalized energy deviation(NED) and normalized standard deviation(NSD) are 0.099% and 0.04%, respectively. Compared to existing power balance circuits, the power balance ability of the proposed SRAM has improved 53%. A the power design of the switch power consumption and short-circuit power consumption are balanced by discharging and pre-charging the key nodes of The power dissipation is constant in every read cycle. As a result, the DPA-resistant ability of the SRAM is improved. In 65 nm CMOS technology, the power balance SRAM is fully custom designed with a layout area of ​​5863.6 μm ~ 2. The post-simulation results show that the normalized energy deviation (NED) and normalized standard deviation (NSD) are 0.099% and 0.04%, respectively. Compared to existing power balance circuits, the power balance ability of the proposed SRAM has improved 53%.
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