In the Future the Elderly Will not Spend the Rest of Their Life in the Couch Why Is the Life of Russ

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  The life expectancy of human is becoming increasingly longer. In the 20th Century, people over 40 were regarded as the elderly; however, nowadays, the “pensioners” who still work today cannot make anyone surprised, and some senior citizens are even more active in social activities than young people. What will the youths who are younger than thirty be after forty years? When does their aging begin? What difference does their old age has with the senior citizens nowadays? Vladimir Shabalin, Director of Scientific Clinic Center of Gerontology and Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences recently wrote to answer these questions specially.
  The beginning of aging
  It is known to us that aging begins since we are germs. When egg cells get fertilized successfully, the process of aging begins. Some organization structures begin to age and die. Eliminating these organization structures and producing new ones is the growing process of human body. Ageing is the most important physiologic process of human, therefore gerontology can be regarded as the basis of all chemical disciplines, because the most basic task for medicine is to extend the life expectancy of human at the time of improving qualities of life.
  Different people have different process of ageing, including the ageing of intelligence. There are pathological phenomena, for example Alzheimer Disease (AD): patients will lose their intellectual functions; there are also natural physiological ageing, of which the most common one is the decline of memory. It is a natural process, in which the brain and whole body system of the elderly begin to deteriorate, while some parts continue to grow. Between the age of 60 to 70,the coordination of different parts of the brain become increasingly weak, and things are often forgotten, however, the memory files are still preserved, so through some training of brain and through the diffusion from the memories of other things, we can always achieve the goal of exercising our memories. The important thing is to understand: only by training the brain regularly and maintaining its function can we last our intelligence for longer, keep good thinking ability and memory.
  众所周知,老化从胚胎就已经开始。当卵细胞受精成功,老化的过程就立即开始了。一些组织结构开始老化、死亡、清除,并产生新的组织结构,人的身体就是这样的发育过程。老化,是人类最重要的生理过程,所以老年学或者可以被认为是所有医学学科的基础,因为医学最基本的任务就是在高质量的生活前提下,让人类寿命更为长久。   每个人的老化过程都不同,包括智力范畴的老化过程。存在着病理现象,比如阿尔兹海默氏症:病人丧失其智力功能;也存在着自然的生理老化现象,最普遍的就是记忆力的退化。这是自然的过程,老年人的大脑和他们的整个身体系统开始退化,但同时在某些局部地区仍然继续发育。在60-70的年龄段中,大脑各部位之间的相互协作不断减弱,虽然大脑经常忘事,但记忆档案仍然保存着,所以通过一些脑力锻炼方法,以及通过其他事物进行扩散回忆,我们总是能达到锻炼记忆力的目的。重要的是懂得:只有进行经常性的脑力锻炼,保障它的功能,才能更长久的保持自身的智力,保持健康的思考能力与良好的记忆力。
  The difference between the senior citizens nowadays and those of early 20th Century
  Prolonged physiological life is the biggest difference between the senior citizens nowadays and those of early 20th century. In the one hundred years of the twentieth Century, the average life expectancy of human beings doubled rapidly, from 35 years old to 70 years old and such change has never happened in the human history. In the seventeenth Century, 40 years old was believed to be old age, and Shakespeare wrote in his sonnet:
  When forty winters shall beseige thy brow,
  And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field,
  Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now,
  Will be a tatter'd weed, of small worth held.
  And now, according to the statistics of World Health Organization: 45 years old is the upper limit of youth; before the age of 60 is middle age; from 60 to 75 years old is the young and old age, from 75 to 90 years old is the old age, and above 90 years old are people with longevity.
  Nowadays, a lot of people between 60 to 70 years old do not consider themselves as senior citizens and they want to continue their positive social and vocational activities. The self-psychological assessment of the elderly population changes constantly and the trend of it is to improve their own importance. The necessity of the elderly in society has given them a new mental state and if a senior citizen still uses his vocational expertise (nowadays it is common for the elderly to work), he will feel more confident and independent. I have repeated for many times that labor, is a best defender and the most effective medicine to prevent ageing. As long as a person has goals, and achieves his goals by working, generally speaking, the person is still in the stable mature age.
  今天,很多60岁甚至70岁的人们不认为自己是老年人,他们想要继续自己积极的社会与职业活动。老年人群的自我心理评估不断变化,并向提高自身重要性方向发展,老年人在社会中的需要性已经使他们有了新的心理状态,如果老年人还在使用其职业专长(当今社会工作的老年人并不少见),他会感到更自信与独立。我不断重复,劳动,是最有效的捍卫者,防止衰老最好的药物。人只要有目标,只要还在通过劳动去实现其目标,笼统地说,这个人还处于年龄稳定的成熟期。   The reaction of society to the initiatives of the activities of the elderly
  Unfortunately, there is kind of dilemma. The problem lies in the society, especially the young population in society who hold the obsolete idea of the elderly and the social role of the elderly. In their opinion, the elderly are old ladies who sit on the benches to rest in front of buildings, and old gentlemen who sit in the couch reading a newspaper. However, many of the elderly in the modern time are very knowledgeable with much information, experience of life and work accumulated and great intellectual treasure. They do not want to spend the rest of their life in the couch lonely. Especially in the field of science, we still stick to the old provisions people who reach retiring age will leave and have rest. A person above 65 year old cannot act as the president of institutions of higher education, scientific research institute or so, but the scholars in this age of have just obtained the necessary knowledge and experience of manage a huge scientific institution, as well as the authority. In my opinion, such a provision is not only a hurt to individuals, but also a loss of society. In the countries of Scandinavia (Norway), people hold positive view to working after reaching retiring age for a long time.
  The prediction of the elderly in future society
  The elderly population today are relatively poor in the master of new technology in a informatization society, although the computer courses for the elderly are very popular. The elderly learn to have connections with national institutions and social networks through acquiring the basic knowledge of the Internet. However, young people at the age of 30 nowadays will be more easily to accept the Internet in the old age, because they grow up in the computer age and the growth of knowledge goes in parallel with that of new technology. It is the main trend. In addition, electronic products are becoming increasingly humanized, after 20 years, the most complicated information systems at present will become the most common daily behavior.
  Besides, in the future, the competition between the elderly and young people will be inevitable, but in the future there will be young population and totally new technology, and the elderly population today encounter some psychological barriers in the master of knowledge of computer, although not mastering these new technology and knowledge does not affect their daily lives, it will give the elderly extra possibilities, especially in working, young people or the elderly cannot go without the assistance of computer and networks. Besides, after 20 to 30 years, with new technology pops up, new age problem may also appear.   虽然针对老年人举办的电脑课程非常受欢迎,但是今天的老年人群对信息化社会中新科技的掌握比较薄弱,老年人可以通过学习上网的基础知识,学习与国立机构、社交网站的联系。而目前30岁左右的年轻人群在他们的老年时代会更容易接受网络,他们成长在电脑时代,他们的知识增长与新科技的成长并行,这是大的趋势。而且电子产品越来越人性化,再过20年,操作目前最复杂的信息系统将会变成最普遍的日常行为。
  In the future the elderly will be different, they will be more active, confident, opener and mobile, they will grasp the economic and social fields firmly and prove their importance more convincingly. Finally, their life would be easier, because their population will be larger, according to relevant statistics, by the middle of 21st Century, about 40% of the population will be over the age of 60, and now the proportion is about 20%.
  In the future the relationship between the elderly and young people will also change, because the youth period (of activities) will be extended and people of different ages will communicate more unobstructed, as far as I am concerned, the process has already started, on the Internet, people of different ages can seek a common concern and common language, develop them platform together, begin to have more in-depth understanding of each other and arouse mutual interest. Similarly, in the field of occupation, such change also occurs, different from 30 years ago, the gap of age is gradually blurred, in not only psychological factors, but also physiological factors, people of 40 years old have no much difference with those of 20 years old. People have different opinions of their physiological age and since they act differently, the attitudes of people around change.
  This will also be the rudiment of the image of the elderly in the future, with time going, this trend will be more obvious, the basis of communication of people of different ages will gradually be expanded and the relationship between each other will be simpler. After 40 years, such scene is likely to be happen, a grandfather on a single board is having a discussion with his grandson about a question which is important to both of them. Why are there generation gaps now? Because there are no common interests between grandsons and grandfathers. Grandsons have already found their interest on the Internet and the communication between them becomes less. But 40 years later, when the young people who are at 20 to 30 year now enter into old age, they will be more prepared, and global informatization platforms will make them more adapted to life. Besides in the workplace nowadays, people need to continuously develop and update their knowledge. But the difference of different ages will still exist, which is the rule of human development, and contradiction promotes the development of life.   这也将是未来老年人形象的雏形,随着时间的推移,这种趋势将更为明显,不同年龄段人群交往的基础将逐渐扩展,相互之间的关系也将更为简单。再过40年,有可能出现这样的场景,某个滑着滑板的老爷爷,自由的跟他的孙子讨论对双方都重要的题目。为什么现在会有代沟呢?因为孙子跟爷爷之间没有共同的兴趣,孙子早就在网络中找到兴趣,爷孙间的交流减少了。但再过40年,当现在20、30岁的年轻人步入老年,他们将更有准备,全球信息化平台让他们更适应生活,而且当今职场需要不断地发展、更新自己的知识。但不同年龄段的差别仍将存在,这是人类发展的定律,矛盾推动着生命的发展。
  The difference between the elderly in Russia and those in Western Europe
  The governments and societies hold different attitudes, which is obvious. First of all, the elder in the West are more confident and have more independent behavior, more mobility and higher social importance. In Norway, females at 70 years old go to beauty shop, gym and restaurants, and our elderly ladies think that since their grandchildren have graduated from high school, their life ends. They do not have the original motivation of being active or having longevity. But at present the young people at 20 to 30 need to cultivate such motivation, for that they can understand their own values and stick to their important objectives of live after they are 70 years old. I am very pleased that recently the elderly of Russian have more interest in tourism, which is a good sign, but tourism is not the only existing objective of the elderly, the future small entrepreneurs will also open for the elderly, while at present the door of governments are shut tightly.
  Elixir of eternal life
  I want to say directly that no medicine can guarantee your longevity, on and there will never be. Ageing is an extremely complex process and all of our genes, cells and systems play a role in the ageing process. It is impossible and completely ignorant to use certain chemical molecules to change the aging process. The only way to guarantee a long life and fulfill the maximum possibility of life is to live in a reasonable way. A variety of medicines and stimulating hormone can only be effective when people are sick and don't destroy the integrity of the life organizations of your body through blind practices.
  If there is pathological ageing, it is disease and it needs treatment; if there is physiological ageing, to prevent it, my suggestion is to start from psychological health. We need to treat the difficulties and the complex relationships in life more philosophical. If we are angry about someone, or hate someone, the anger and hatred will reflected in our psychology pathologically, and once there is a psychological problem, psychosomatic disorder appears. All of these are from the brain. Paying attention to the development and protection of one’s brain needs to make the brain exercise. When we are young exercise the brain through learning, and in the maturity age and old age we need to seek professional practice method. If a person begin to grow vegetables after a long period of mental work, his mental organs will soon collapse, so people need long-lasting initiatives.
  若存在着病理性老化,这是疾病,需要治疗;若存在生理性衰老,要想防止衰老,我的建议是从心理卫生着手。需要更哲学的对待生活中的困难、人际关系的复杂,如果对谁发火,痛恨某个人,这种愤怒与仇恨将病理性反映在其心理当中,心理有问题,则出现身心紊乱(psychosomatic disorder),所有种种都是自头脑而来。关注自己大脑的发展与保护,必须要使大脑得到锻炼,年轻时我们通过学习的过程锻炼大脑,成熟期与老年期需要寻求专业的练习方法,如果一个人长年做脑力劳动,然后开始种菜,他的脑力器官将很快瓦解,人都需要长久的积极性。
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