Green on Blue《绿袭蓝》

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nimabe
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  Author: Elliot Ackerman
  Publisher: Scribner
  From a decorated veteran of the Iraq and Afghan Wars, and White House Fellow, a stirring debut novel about a young Afghan orphan and the harrowing, intractable nature of war.
  Having served five tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Elliot Ackerman has written a gripping, morally complex debut novel, an astonishing feat of empathy and imagination about boys caught in a deadly conflict.
  作者Elliot Ackerman在阿富汗及伊拉克度过了五个服役期。这本扣人心弦的小说展示了陷入致命冲突中的男孩子们的惊人壮举及想象力。
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