窑火坑 泥土味 家乡情——记夫妻雕塑家郭宝寨、赵丛敏

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南海之滨,濠江之畔,一座高6米、重6.5吨的铸铜贴金雕塑巍然屹立在澳门金莲花广场。这尊雕塑取名《盛世莲花》,1999年由中央人民政府作为厚礼赠送澳门特区政府,盛开的金色莲花,象征着祖国母亲对回归游子未来更加美好的衷心祝愿。该雕塑的设计和监制正是无极籍雕塑家郭宝寨。 South China Sea coast, banks of the Haojiang, a 6 meters high, weighing 6.5 tons of bronze gold sculpture stands firmly in the Golden Lotus Plaza in Macau. The sculpture, named “Spirit Lotus”, was presented by the Central People’s Government in 1999 as a gift to the government of the Macao SAR and its golden lotus in full bloom, a symbol of the motherland’s mother’s best wishes for a better return to the tourist. The design and manufacture of the sculpture is the Promise sculptor Guo Baozhai.
电子行业中,已经能够很好地应用IEEE 11409.1边界扫描(JTAG)测试单块电路板卡.它还被较早采用的公司扩展到了多电路板(系统)测试(见图1),但是现在有明显的迹象表明,其他更多
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To improve our understanding and ability to predict biological responses to global climate change, it is important to be able to distinguish the influences of n
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