
来源 :现代医院 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yutianweixiuwang
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<正> 随着我国的经济建设的快速发展,医院的经济规模也不断的增长,加强医院的经济管理,提高医院的财务管理水平显得越来越重要,改变旧的财务管理方法,推行新的财务管理方法势
Political Star with Humble Roots    Gary Locke was nominated by U.S.President Barack Obama to succeed donHuntsman in March this year. He is thefirst Chinese American to hold the post,and the story of
<正>AESOP,the famous Ancient Greek fabulist,is well known for teaching moral lessons through the adventures of animal characters.In China,there is a wealth of i
The reforms include gradual imple-mentation of the retirement system, thelimited tenure system and the system ofcollective leadership for the Party andstate leaders. China may not carry outperiodical
<正> “服务”在医院应该是涵盖了医务人员对就诊者的服务、行政、后勤部门对业务部门的服务、非临床部门对临床一线的服务等,但对就诊者的非医疗技术服务,如导诊、咨询、预
I made my first visit to Luobozhai, a village of the Qiang ethnic minority near Wenchuan, the epicenter of the 2008 earthquake, in a mid March snowstorm in 2009. Cloaked in glaring white and thick in