1.It’s a dog-eat-dog world.这是个人吃人的世界。明明是 dog-eat-dog,为何译为“人吃人”呢?其实这个成语是讽刺那些为了争名夺利而做出卑鄙之事的人,他们的所作所为和狗等畜生没有什么区别。因此 It’s a dog-eat-dog world 指世态炎凉。
1.It’s a dog-eat-dog world. It’s a world of personal cannibalism. Obviously dog-eat-dog, why is it translated as “people can eat people”? In fact, this idiom is a satire to those who do something dastardly in order to gain fame and fortune. What they did and dogs and other animals did not What is the difference? Therefore, It’s a dog-eat-dog world refers to the inconstancy of the world.