发挥党员作用 提升交警水平

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随着经济的发展和农村交通条件的日益改善,各类机动车辆不断增多,340省道孝义段25Km+300m至43Km+900m处,交通状况复杂,西高东低,坡道、弯道、窄道明显突出。日车流量1.4万至1.6万车次,是过去的3倍。由于车流量较大,路况特殊,各类交通事故频发,这一路段被称之为340省道全程的“特殊路段“。为此,经上级部门批准,于2004年3月22日成立了交警南阳中队。其中有民警9人,平均年龄41岁,100%的大专文化程度,有党员6人。今年以来,中队领导组织全体民警学习市局公安工作和队伍建设意见,研究制定了中队“以保持共产党员先进性教育为突破口,靠共产党员先进性全面推动公安交警工作”的工作思路,并在全中队响亮提出:“共产党员要平时能看得出来,关键时刻能站得出来,危难时刻能豁得出来。”注重在急、难、险、重任务面前,充分体现党员的先进性。在气候偏差大、环境条件恶劣、工作任务繁重的情况下,全体党员齐心协力,知难而上,扎实工作,带头树立“知民、爱民、为民”的形象,促进了各项工作,同时也赢得社会各界的好评。 With the development of economy and the improvement of traffic conditions in rural areas, all kinds of motor vehicles are on the rise. The 340 provincial highway Xiaoyi section is 25Km + 300m to 43Km + 900m. The traffic conditions are complex, and the west and east are low. The ramps, corners and narrow roads Clearly prominent. Daily traffic 14,000 to 16,000 trips, in the past three times. Due to traffic flow larger, special traffic conditions, all kinds of traffic accidents frequently, this section is called the 340 provincial highway “special section.” To this end, approved by the higher authorities, in March 22, 2004 set up a traffic police Nanyang squadron. Among them, there are 9 police officers, with an average age of 41 years and a college education of 100%, and 6 members. Since the beginning of this year, the Squadron has led all civilian police officers in studying public security work and team building in the municipal council and has studied and formulated the working plan of the squadron “in order to maintain the advanced nature of party members as a breakthrough point and comprehensively promote the work of public security and traffic police by relying on the advanced nature of communists” The entire squadron loudly put forward: “Communists should usually see the truth, stand out at the crucial moment, and be able to make ends meet in times of crisis.” We should pay full attention to the advanced nature of Party members in the face of urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks. Under the conditions of large climate deviation, harsh environmental conditions and heavy workload, all Party members worked hard together and worked hard to make solid progress and took the lead in establishing the image of “knowing people, loving people and benefiting the people” and promoting various tasks. At the same time, Also won the praise of all sectors of society.
试验研究以3+9×0.22+0.15钢丝帘线替代3×0.24+9×0.225+0.15HT钢丝帘线在全钢载重子午线轮胎215/75R 17.5-16PR胎体中的应用.轮胎成品试验结果表明,以3+9×0.22+0.15钢丝帘