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读罢中国社会科学院历史研究所陈智超研究员30余万言的力作《解开<宋会要>之谜》,一股钦敬与感激之情油然而生。佩服他的智慧和魄力,解决了历史研究中一个老大难问题,感谢他为我们提供了研究宋史迄今为止最可靠的素材。 《宋会要》是宋王朝编修的一部大型的政书,是现存的一部最原始、最全面、最丰富、最翔实的百科全书式的宋代史料,研究宋史乃至中国历史都离不开它。然而,由于历史的变迁,《宋会要》的原本,早已不复存在,现在流传的《宋会要辑稿》是一个辑本,而且是一个经过两次转录、三次不得其法的整理、并被搅乱了的辑本。从《宋会要》原本到现在的《宋会要辑稿》,七百多年来经历多次变化:明初,成祖朱棣编《永乐大典》时,《宋会要》还是基本完整,到明中叶,《文渊阁书目》著录《宋会要》,已注明“缺”。《宋会要》内容,主要靠《永乐大典》保存下来。《大典》在清乾隆修《四库全书》时已缺两千多卷。清嘉庆十四年(1809年)徐松从《大典》中辑出《宋会要》五百卷。光绪十三年(1887年),缪荃孙、屠寄据徐松的辑本整理另写新本,准备交广雅书局刻印,这个未完成本即《广雅稿本》。民国四年(1915年),刘富曾、费有容在《广雅稿本》的基础上另写新本,为《嘉业堂清本》。30年代初,北平图书馆组成以陈垣? Read the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of history Chen Zhichao researcher more than 30 million words of masterpiece “unlock the” Song will be> mystery, “an admiration and gratitude of love arises spontaneously. Admire his wisdom and courage, to solve a chronic problem in historical research, for he provided us with the most reliable material to study Sung history so far. ”Song to be“ is a large-scale government book compiled by the Song Dynasty, is an extant, the most comprehensive, the most abundant, most informative encyclopedic historical materials in Song Dynasty, the study of the history of the Song Dynasty and even the history of China Do not open it. However, due to historical changes, the original version of ”Song will be required“ has long ceased to exist. Now the circulating ”Song to be edited“ is a collection of texts. It is a collection of texts that has been twice transcribed and can not be justified three times. And was disturbed by the series. From the ”Song will be“ original ”to the Song to be edited,“ seven hundred years experience many changes: the early Ming and the Zhuzu compiled ”Paradise“, ”Song will be“ or basically complete, to In the middle of the Ming dynasty, ”Wen Yuan Court Bibliography“ recorded ”Song Hui to“, has been marked ”missing.“ ”Song will be“ content, mainly by ”Yongle Grand Ceremony“ preserved. ”Ceremony“ in the Qing Emperor Qianlong repair ”Sikuquanshu“ has more than two thousand volumes missing. Qing Jiaqing fourteen years (1809) Xu Song from the ”ceremony“ in the ”Song will be“ five hundred volumes. Guangxu thirteen years (1887), Miao Quan Sun, butcher according to Xu Song’s collation to write a new book, ready to pay Guangya bookstore engraving, the unfinished this ”Guang Ya manuscript.“ In the four years of the Republic of China (1915), Liu Fu-zeng and Fei You-rong wrote another new edition on the basis of ”Guang Ya manuscript edition“, which is ”The Book of Ka Yengtang." The early 1930s, Peking Library to Chen Yuan?
我女儿10岁了,性格比较活跃,属于好动型的。昨天她的班主任说她上课给男同学递纸条,纸条上说的是一些朦胧的感情话题,请问我该怎么办?用什么角度来跟女儿谈这件事? My daugh