侯波同志拍摄的“毛泽东主席和亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲外宾们在一起”,是一张好照片。人们看了这张照片,好像身历其境,亲眼看到了我们伟大领袖毛主席的庄重而又慈祥的仪容,亲耳听到了三大洲不同肤色的人民的共同语言:紧密团结,反对侵略,保卫和平。为什么这幅照片能这样强烈地感动人呢? 我想,主要是作者成功地通过一个有限的画面,表达了
Comrade Hou Mao’s “Chairman Mao Zedong and Foreign Guests from Asia, Africa and Latin America Together” is a good photo. People looked at this picture as if they had experienced themselves and saw with their own eyes solemn and kind-hearted grooming of Chairman Mao, our great leader, who heard the common language of the people of all colors on three continents: unite closely, oppose aggression and defend peace . Why did this picture so strongly touch people? I think mainly because the author succeeded in expressing himself through a limited picture