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秋季,是痢疾病高发季节。一是由于炎夏高温对人的威胁,造成脾胃不健,肠胃虚弱;二是痢疾杆菌繁殖,扩大了传染面,稍不注意则易得病。 祖国医学认为,痢疾按照湿热结滞,脾肾两虚型进行科学辨证,对症食疗施治,可收到较好的效果。 具体地说,对于频频下痢,痢下脓血的湿热结滞型病人,其选择食疗偏方有: Autumn is the season of high incidence of diarrhea. First, due to the threat of high temperature in summer, resulting in spleen and stomach, stomach weakness; second is the breeding of dysentery bacilli, expanding the surface of infection, a little careless is easy to get sick. Motherland medicine, dysentery in accordance with the damp heat stagnation, spleen and kidney deficiency type of scientific syndrome differentiation, symptomatic diet therapy, can receive good results. Specifically, frequent diarrhea, dysentery abscess blood damp-heat stagnation type of patients, the choice of diet recipe are:
英雄教授美国弗吉尼亚工学院枪击案中为保护学生而献出生命的以色列教授利布雷斯库今天获得了美国总统的赞誉,罗马尼亚总统则授予他最高国家勋 Hero Professor Israel Blake
To evaluate the overall effectiveness of treatments for metastatic colorectal cancer, a meta-regression was undertaken in which randomized studies from 2000 to
Breast cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of cancer mortality in the world. The treatment generally involves multiple modalities including surgery
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这是一个竞争激烈的时代,从小我就树立了这样一个信念,不要相信任何人,如果你想做最后的赢家。大学毕业后,我好不容易才找到一个工 This is a highly competitive era, sinc
一 茶色玻璃家具在使用时,要放在一个较为固定的地方,不要随意地来回推动,搁放东西时,要轻拿轻放,切忌碰撞;挪动时以推动底运行为宜。 二 茶色玻璃家具放置,要避免潮湿,远离