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你是否曾经走出过城市浓烟滚滚的空气,进入图书馆芬芳优雅的气氛中?如果你有过这样经历的话,你就会知道这种变化有多么令人感激,而且,你自然也会同意我说的话:没有任何别的东西能使人的神经如此安 Have you ever been out of the city of billowing air and into the library’s fragrant and elegant atmosphere? If you have had such an experience, you will know how grateful this change, and you will naturally agree with me Saying: There is nothing else that makes one’s nerves so peaceful
AIM: To evaluate the effect of chemotherapy to the acute toxicity of a hypofractionated radiotherapy(HFRT) schedule for breast cancer. METHODS: We retrospective
AIM: To seek and analyze features suggestive of gallbladder cancer(GBC) on preoperative imaging and intraoperative findings in patients diagnosed as having inci
我老爸曾煲过一次汤——大麦汤,那大约是45 年前的事了。汤是红色的,里面一定放了西红柿,而且据我猜测,还有红萝卜、芹菜、洋葱和香菜,可能还有一些骨头汁, 或许还有姜,再加
英雄教授美国弗吉尼亚工学院枪击案中为保护学生而献出生命的以色列教授利布雷斯库今天获得了美国总统的赞誉,罗马尼亚总统则授予他最高国家勋 Hero Professor Israel Blake
To evaluate the overall effectiveness of treatments for metastatic colorectal cancer, a meta-regression was undertaken in which randomized studies from 2000 to
Breast cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of cancer mortality in the world. The treatment generally involves multiple modalities including surgery