
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisakk
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近些年来,我校青年教师逐年增加。他们的素质如何,关系到教育改革能否深入发展和教育质量的提高。所以,培养青年教师的工作既是当务之急,又是长远大计。我们十分重视此项工作,采取了具体有力措施,认真帮助,使青年教师成长较快。一、重视培养良好的师德作风我们对新教师上的第一堂课,就是介绍学校的悠久校史,讲老教师的优良传统,使他们一迈入学校大门,就产生热爱教师工作、热爱学生、热爱学校的思想感情。 In recent years, the number of young teachers in our school has increased year by year. How are their qualities related to whether or not education reform can develop in depth and improve the quality of education? Therefore, the work of cultivating young teachers is both an urgent task and a long-term plan. We attach great importance to this work and have taken specific and effective measures to help them seriously and enable young teachers to grow faster. First, attach importance to the development of a good moral character. Our first lesson for new teachers is to introduce the school’s long school history and to talk about the fine traditions of the old teachers so that when they enter the school gate, they have a passion for teacher work and love Students love the school’s thoughts and feelings.
At first I didn’t notice him. There were about a dozen people in the people in the third-floor hallway of the Westin Hotel in Chicago, and most of them were s
5月11—12日,全区巩固提高普及初等教育成果座谈会在吴忠市召开,各级教育部门的代表约30人参加了座谈会。 自1984年以来,全区已有10个农村县、市、区和5个城市区经验收基本
I still remember clearly my first English lessons some 50 years ago when I was a pupil at a primary school in Shanghai. Everything in the class attracted me gr