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李氏等根据牵拉小鼠尾或直肠放置异物引起排便的现象,设计了将细胶管插入小鼠肛门,产生排便反射[中国药理学报1986;7(1):31]。但其数据采用定性处理,不太敏感,我们对其数据处理进行了改进,现将方法和结果报告于下。 Lee et al. [5] designed to insert a fine tube into the anus of a mouse to produce defecation reflex based on the phenomenon that the foreign body was pulled by pulling the tail or rectum of the mouse to cause defecation [Chinese Journal of Pharmacology 1986; 7 (1): 31]. However, its data is qualitatively treated and less sensitive. We have improved its data processing and now report on the methodology and results.
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