许达哲:服务地方经济建设 推动军工创新发展

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6月29日~7月1日,工业和信息化部副部长、国防科工局局长许达哲在黑龙江涉军企事业单位调研时强调,要准确把握国防科技工业改革发展的方向、规律、重点和机遇,着力构建先进国防科技工业体系,更好地担负起支撑国防军队建设、推动科学技术进步、服务经济社会发展的职责。许达哲表示,2014年以来,国防科技工业战线坚持以国家战略为先导,以强军为首要责任,瞄准差距、改革创新、激发活力、攻坚克难,积极谋划和推动国防科技工业 From June 29 to July 1, Xu Dazhe, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the State Bureau of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense emphasized in his investigation of the military-related enterprises and institutions in Heilongjiang that it is necessary to accurately grasp the direction, laws and priorities of the national defense science and technology industry reform and development Opportunities and strive to build an advanced national defense science and technology industrial system to better shoulder the responsibility of supporting the building of the national defense army and promoting the progress of science and technology and serving the economic and social development. Xu Dazhe said that since 2014, the front of the national defense science and technology industry has adhered to taking the national strategy as the guide, taking the strong army as its primary responsibility, aiming at the gaps, reforming and innovating, stimulating vitality and tackling hardships and aggressively planning and promoting the national defense science and technology industry
渐渐走向成熟的你,是否还记得那金色的摇篮?在温馨的亲情中,我们成长着…… As you gradually mature, do you still remember the golden cradle? In the warm affection,
“钱不是问题”  2010年,王玉龙来到北京的第二个年头。彼时,他还没有一份稳定的工作,在一次朋友的聚会中,他认识了一个朋友,朋友拍着他的肩膀告诉他,只要愿意花钱,可以帮他找份工作并落户。  一开始,王玉龙没太在意,但他还是有意识地多和这个朋友保持联系。后来他发现,这个朋友的亲属认识不少国企高层,而这些国企的手中掌握着不少进京和留京的指标,只要愿意花钱,户口和工作都不是问题。  但让王玉龙想不通的