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Five thyreostats (TSs),namely tapazole,thiouracil,methylthiouracil,propylthiouracil,and phenyl-thiouracil,were determined in bovine urine using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS ) in positive electrospray ionization mode. Extraction and clean-up were achieved using a ChemElut cartridge with tert-butyl methyl ether,without a derivatization step. Separation was achieved on an Acquity UPLC SS T3 column. The mobile phase was acetonitrile and water containing 0. 2%(v/v)formic acid. The mass spectrometer was operated in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Urine samples were spiked with TS solution at levels corresponding to 5,10,15,and 20 μg/L. The accuracy (internal standard corrected)ranged from 92% to 107%,with a repeatability precision (relative standard deviation, RSD)less than 15% for all five analytes. The RSDs within-laboratory reproducibility was less than 26%. The decision limits (CCα)and detection capabilities (CCβ)were obtained from a calibration curve and were in the ranges of 3. 1-6. 1 μg/L and 4. 0-7. 4 μg/L,respectively. The CCα and CCβ values were below the recommen-ded concentration,which was set at 10 μg/L. The results show that the described method is suitable for the direct detection of TSs in bovine urine. This method can also be used to determine TSs in porcine urine.
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4月12日,K·维贾伊拉哈万(下称维贾伊)在他的Facebook上对其2 500多个好友宣布了一个计划:印度生物技术司(DBT)将成立海洋生物学研究所,同时在辽阔的海岸线上建立多个观测站.
用层状伊辛系统作为描述磁性薄膜材料的模型 ,在Bragg Williams近似的基础上 ,引入薄膜的结构因子 ,导出了自发磁化强度及矫顽力的表达式 ,并计算了磁滞回线 Based on the B
万泉小学是一所正在发展中的学校。面对基础教育课程改革的逐步深入,我们认识到要把课程改革推向纵深,就必须把工作重心一沉再沉,从表面的、外在的、形式的变化转变到追求本质的、内在的、文化的层面上来。    一、以校长自身的专业发展促学校发展    随着家长对优质教育资源的强烈需求,部分学校生源骤减。万泉小学同样面临着严峻的生存问题。  2001年,我被调到万泉小学,面对困难,我意识到,办人民满意的学校,
近半个世纪以来 ,以微电子技术为核心的信息技术空前的发展 ,一批新高技术、新材料、新能源以及生物工程的应用 ,把人类从工业化社会带到了的信息化社会。生产力的巨大发展 ,
联系生活实际进行教学有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,对提高学生从数学的角度分析、解决实际问题的能力大有帮助。但教师在联系生活事例、创设生活情景时不仅要考虑数学知识本身,有时也要关注学生的心理。  在一次教研活动中,笔者曾经听过一节内容为“多位数加减法的计算”的数学课,课前,教师让学生调查了父母的月收入。这节课就围绕父母的收入展开。  第一个环节,学生汇报调查的数据。  学生汇报的情况是:  生1:我爸爸