The Comparison between \\"I Hear America Singing \\" and \\"春望\\"

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Through the introduction of the American poem “I Hear America Singing” and its writer Walt Whitman, the Chinese poem “ 春望 ”and its writer:杜甫, and the comparison of these two poems in prosody, language, contents and emotion, writing techniques, political views field, etc, this essay analyses further some poetic phenomenon, and also draws a vivid picture of America in 19 century and China in 8 century. Through the introduction of the American poem “I Hear America Singing ” and its writer Walt Whitman, the Chinese poem “spring look ” and its writer: Du Fu, and the comparison of these two poems in prosody, language, contents and emotion, writing techniques, political views field, etc, this essay analyzes further some poetic phenomenon, and also draws a vivid picture of America in 19 century and China in 8 century.
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