建造优秀影音空间的关键 家庭影院视听空间混响时间控制(上)

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在视听空间设计中,房间大小与比例属于建造视听空间前必须考虑的前提要素,以避免出现因房间的先天不足而造成难以解决的声染问题。对于已建成的视听室,要获取优秀的声音特性,还需要进行后期的声音处理。当中,混响时间控制是首要环节。混响时间这个由现代建筑声学之父塞宾在100多年前所提出的声学名词,第一次将声学控制从模糊预测的状态带进了数字量化的阶段,让声学专家、设计人员与影音爱好者们利用数学计算的方式进行更加精准的室内声学处理。随后,声学专家们开创出最佳混响时间推荐范围,将视听室混响时间控制规范化与标准化。总而言之,要得到理想的声音表现,房间的混响时间要适当,不但关系到声音是否悦耳,更与声音的真实性紧密相连。过短的混响时间会让声音干枯,不够响亮与丰满;过长的混响时间会让声音含糊不清,不够真实自然。经历一个世纪的研究与发展,通过对混响时间采取了精准控制,使得许多优秀的音乐厅、演奏厅、录音室以及家庭视听室不断诞生,让人们进入了高品质的影音欣赏的时代。本期,我们将会对混响时间概念的诞生,最佳混响时间的推荐标准,如何才能更有效地进行混响时间的控制进行深入浅出的探究,让各位读者能够获悉更加全面的视听室混响时间控制技术,而非冰山一角。 In the design of audio-visual space, the size and proportion of the rooms are the preconditions that must be considered before the audio-visual space is constructed so as to avoid the problem of sound pollution that is difficult to be solved due to the inherent deficiency of the room. For the built-in audio-visual room, to obtain excellent sound characteristics, but also need to deal with the latter part of the sound. Among them, the reverberation time control is the primary link. Reverberation Time The acoustical term proposed by Sabine, the father of modern architectural acoustics more than 100 years ago, for the first time brought acoustic control from the state of fuzzy predictions to the digital phase of quantification, allowing acoustic experts, designers, People use mathematical methods for more accurate indoor acoustics. Subsequently, acoustic experts to create the best recommended range of reverberation time, the audio-visual room reverberation time standardization and standardization. All in all, to get the ideal sound performance, the room should be appropriate reverberation time, not only related to the sound is sweet, but also closely linked to the authenticity of the sound. Too short reverberation time will make the sound dry, not loud and full; long reverberation time will make the sound ambiguous, not real natural. After a century of research and development, through the precise control of the reverberation time, many excellent concert halls, concert halls, recording studios and home audio-visual room continue to be born, so that people have entered the era of high-quality audio-visual appreciation. This issue, we will be the birth of the concept of reverberation time, the best recommended standard reverberation time, how to more effectively control the reverberation time to explain profound theories in simple language, so that readers will be able to learn more comprehensive audio-visual room mixed Time control technology, not the tip of the iceberg.
一个学生如果对生活有了深刻的体验和感受,情感在激荡,思想在奔驰,那么,在写作时,他更多考虑的是如何更自由地表达自己的思想感情,而不是写作的方法和技巧。 If a student h
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<正> William Faulkner was the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature of 1950. Although he received public acclaim chiefly for his longer works, such as The Sound and the Fury, Sartoris, and Light in August, Faulkner found himself again and again writi
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美术教育是现代教育的重要课程之一,它能点燃儿童心灵的智慧火花,这火花一旦燃烧起来将对儿童的一生发挥重大影响。小学美术课不是教学生简单地画上几笔,而是通过美术教育培养学生健康的审美情趣和良好的思想品德及学习习惯。    一、提高学生的学习热情  情育不是培养儿童脆弱的感情,而是调节并启发儿童应有的感情,主要的是追求真理的感情。  ——陶行知    美术欣赏教学的目的是提高学生的审美素养和激发他们进行