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2003年7月29日,吉林市昌邑区人大常委会会议室里,庄重肃穆,座无虚席。这里正在举行十五届人大常委会第四次会议。在庄严的国徽下,常委会组成人员听取了区政府贯彻食品卫生法情况的报告。在随后进行的审议中大家纷纷发言,这时,一位中年男子发言,对政府工作予以了恰如其分的肯定,对下一步深入贯彻食品卫生法工作提出了很好的建议。准确的语言、清晰的层次,受到了与会人员的一致好评,来自基层的声音犹如一阵春风,给人耳目一新的感觉。他,就是应邀列席常委会会议的区人大代表、江城孙氏口腔病诊所所长孙耀东。孙耀东自从2002年当选为区人大代表以来,认真学习了宪法、地方组织法、代表法和相关法律、法规,时刻牢记代表职责,积极参政议政,充分发挥自 July 29, 2003, Changyi District, Jilin City Standing Committee meeting room, solemn, packed. There is a fourth meeting of the 15th NPC Standing Committee here. Under the solemn national emblem, members of the Standing Committee listened to the district government’s report on the implementation of the Food Sanitation Law. In the ensuing deliberation, everyone spoke one after another. At this moment, a middle-aged man made a speech and gave a proper affirmation of the government work. He put forward very good suggestions on the next step in implementing the food hygiene law. Accurate language, a clear level, has been unanimously praised by participants, the voice from the grassroots level like a spring breeze, giving a fresh look. He is the district people’s congress deputies invited to attend the meeting of the Standing Committee and Sun Yaodong, director of the Stomatological Clinic of Sun City, Jiangcheng. Since being elected as a member of the district people’s congress in 2002, Sun Yaodong has conscientiously studied the Constitution, local organizations laws, representative laws and relevant laws and regulations, always bearing in mind its responsibilities, actively participating in and discussing politics, and giving full scope to self
In this paper,we demonstrate bias-selectable dual-band short-or mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on In_(0.24)Ga_(0.76)As_(0.21)Sb_(0.79)bulk materia
一、全或无原则 单条骨骼肌纤维的收缩具有“全或无”特征。所谓全是指,当单条肌纤维(活组织)受到一次阈刺激或阈上刺激时,均能引起一次兴奋而后发生全力收缩反应,其兴奋幅
介绍了DISA线壳体模具的快速制造工艺过程 ,即在三维造型和快速原型制造的基础上 ,结合转移涂料精密铸造工艺 ,实现铸铁模具的快速制造。此种制造工艺具有速度快、成本低、模
事实上,从古到今,全球化从来是由强者主导的。而强者主导全球化的动机,公正地说:应该是“主观为自己, 客观为别人”。 In fact, globalization has always been dominated b