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  罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872-1970)是20世纪声誉卓著、影响深远的英国哲学家,数学家和逻辑学家。1920年至1921年间,他曾应邀访问中国十个月,是“五四”时代继美国实用主义哲学家杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)之后,来华讲学的又一位大家。罗素一生著述颇丰,主要贡献在数理逻辑、自由教育思想与和平主义思想领域。他同时又是一位十分关切和拥护人类进步事业的人文学者。他在访华结束后不久,便出版了《中国问题》(The Problem of China,1922)一书。这是罗素唯一一本关于中国的论著,该书集中了这位“世纪智者”对中国问题的种种思考,系统地反映了一个西方进步学者的中国观。
Various sorts of humiliation1 are available to the middle-agedman. You can dance in public. You can try to buy fashionabletrousers in a department store, only to be told with a pitiless2glance that "t
Defiance, Ohio, 1956. Just like any other working class families of the era, the Ryans have a clear division of labor-Kelly the husband works as a breadwinner, while Evelyn stays at home taking care o
T: Tian Wei, anchor of Dialogue, CCTV-9  P: Robert Parkinson, managing director, Antal International, China1  L: Jason Li, managing director, RI Group, China2
Our tenement on 53rd Street and Third Avenue in New York City was around the comer from the original famous nightclub of the 1950s. What made it so special was how a thin clothesline linked two differ
In the recent film Angels & Demons, science sets the stage for destruction and chaos. A canister of antimatter has been stolen from CERN-the European Organization for Nuclear Research-and hidden in th
"You are a far cry from a wolf," I said, peering skepticallyat a pint-sized poodle-terrier mix. "I bet your ancestors mustbe pretty embarrassed." I threw my legs over the metal doggyfence that separat
Mrs. John Forder had no premonition of evil.When she heard the hall clock strike nine she was blithely singing about the house as she attended to her morning duties, and she little imagined that she w
约翰逊博士(samuel Johnson,1709-1784)是18世纪中叶以后英国文坛的领袖人物。其重要著作或成就有独立编纂的两卷本《英语词典》(A Dictionary of the English Language,1755)、著名散文《致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书》(“Letter to Lord Chesterfield,”1755)、编辑《莎士比亚全集》(1765)、《英国诗人评传》(Live
I was standing in front of my office one day when a colleague from another department ambled.up. He's squat and strong and looks not so much like a professor as a woodchopper, with thick forearms like