
来源 :世界经济与政治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingduli
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本文从世界贸易组织 (WTO)的组织特点、利益格局以及成员构成等角度分析了我国在WTO中所处的地位以及能够发挥的作用 ,得出的基本结论是 :(1)作为一个贸易大国 (以及世界上经济发展最迅速的国家之一 ) ,我国的经济利益首先在于维护该组织的基本规则和正常的运行 ,因而是“现时国际经济秩序”的坚定维护者 ,是个负责任的大国。(2 )作为世界上最大的发展中国家 ,在WTO中 ,我国应该同印度、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷、南非等发展中大国密切合作 ,更好地维护发展中大国的利益 ,为“自立”型发展模式的实施争取更多的发展空间。 (3)作为一个发展中国家 ,我国应当广泛联合和团结发展中国家和地区 ,利用WTO决策机制中的“多数投票”原则 ,充当发展中国家和地区利益的坚定维护者 ,保持这个组织的平衡发展。综合以上三个方面 ,我国应该在WTO中确立“负责任的发展中大国”的形象。 This paper analyzes the position and function of our country in the WTO from the perspectives of the organizational characteristics, the pattern of interests and the composition of the WTO. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) As a major trading nation As well as one of the countries with the fastest economic growth in the world), the economic interests of our country are, above all, to uphold the basic rules and normal operation of the organization. Therefore, it is a staunch defender of “the present international economic order,” and a responsible big country. (2) As the largest developing country in the world, China should work closely with major developing countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa in the WTO to better safeguard the interests of developing countries and to The implementation of the “self-reliance” model of development strives for more room for development. (3) As a developing country, our country should extensively unite with and unite developing countries and regions and make use of the principle of “majority voting” in WTO’s decision-making mechanism to act as a firm defender of the interests of developing countries and regions and maintain the balance of this organization development of. To sum up the above three aspects, our country should establish the image of “responsible developing country in the world” in the WTO.
本文着重介绍了刀架重量卸荷梁的结构原理及其应用。 This article focuses on the structure principle and its application of the weight unloading beam.
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