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近几十年来,肝细胞性肝癌(HCC)的诊治取得显著进展,直径≤5cm的小肝癌手术切除后5年存活率高达60%~70%。但复发仍是肝癌病人术后的主要死因。如何降低复发率是进一步提高小肝癌病人存活率的关键。1肿瘤大小对肝癌病人术后生存的影响肿瘤大小是决定病人术后无瘤存活率最重要的 In recent decades, remarkable progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The 5-year survival rate of small hepatocellular carcinoma with a diameter of ≤ 5cm is as high as 60% to 70% after surgical resection. However, recurrence is still the main cause of death after liver cancer patients. How to reduce the recurrence rate is the key to further improve the survival rate of small liver cancer patients. 1 Effect of tumor size on postoperative survival of liver cancer patients Tumor size is the most important factor in determining the patient’s postoperative disease-free survival rate
烩乌鱼蛋是山东传统名菜.为明清以来的珍馐美味.以前烟台街上的各大酒楼均有出售,备受旅客称赞. Ramen egg is the traditional Shandong famous dishes for the delicacie
日常我喜欢炒菜.可巧,我的一位同事是厨师世家.我们凑到一块儿,也爱聊这个。一天,我说:“你 I like to cook everyday.Of course, one of my colleagues is a cook family.We
在“海上花园”厦门市东南的南普陀寺内,有一家饮誉海内外的素菜馆,这就是著名的 In the “Sea Garden” Xiamen City, south-east of the Putuo Temple, there is a well-
有一位清代诗人这样赞美西域葡萄:缥珠绿实透琼膏,液散脂凝马乳高. There is a poet of the Qing Dynasty praised the Western Grapes: Bead green solid Joan paste, liq
▲把蛋壳内的一层蛋清收集起来,加一小匙奶粉和蜂蜜,拦成糊状,晚上洗脸后,把蛋 ▲ eggshell inside a layer of egg white collected together, add a teaspoon of milk and hon
4.1 17世纪英国最伟大的诗人是弥尔顿,他具有激进的资产阶级民主思想,他的代表作为长诗《失乐园》、《复乐园》和诗剧《力士参孙》,这几部作品集中表现了他对复辟的贵族政权