Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall

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  Inaugurated on Febuary 19th?1999, the Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall is a very unique building; one of the flagships of the new Bilbao of the 21st?century.
  Designed by architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios as a vessel permanently under construction that stands in a dock on the site of the former Euskalduna Shipyard, the Conference Centre received the 2001 Enric Miralles award at the 6th?Biennial of Spanish Architecture.

  It is a 53,000 square meters?multi-purpose centre that stands in the heart of the city of Bilbao designed to host many different kinds of corporate, financial, institutional, social and cultural events. It is also the venue of the ABAO opera season, a major event in Spain and Europe and home to the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, a magnificent ensemble whose first concert dates back to 1922.
  The building offers a perfect co-ordination of areas open to the public such as its Auditorium, numerous halls, meeting and board rooms, offices, foyers, exhibition lobbies and services areas featuring warehouses, workshops, changing rooms, dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, etc.?
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由高美爱博展览集团承办的第22届巴黎汽车后市场设备技术及服务展(EQUIP AUTO)将于10月13-17日在巴黎北维勒班特会展中心举办。目前,已有超过70%的摊位被预订。  本届EQUIP AUTO的全新理念是“汽车后市场的世界向您敞开”,今年展会将有100,000平米的展示面积,1,500个品牌和企业参展。其中,在四大官方展团的带领下,中国已成为EQUIP AUTO展商数量第一的参展国家。(苏
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In spite of the oil price plunge, high credit interest rates, and the tense political situation, potential is still strong. Doing business in Russia, however has become more difficult.  There is an ac