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美國“新共和國”雜誌登載美國各大學和學院的教授們所寫的一連串的文章。從這些文章中可以看出,美國高等學術機關中充滿了戰爭歇斯底里的空氣、充滿迫害進步教授與學生的空氣。有一篇文章很焦慮地指出,美國大學已不復是科學思想的中心了。原子贩子們竭力從高等學校中排斥自由科學思想。例如,全國三個较大的大學——在俄勒岡州、華盛頓州和加利福尼亞州——已解聘那些對於蘇聯卓越科學家李森科的進步的遺傳學說表示擁護的講師們。 The United States “New Republic” magazine published a series of articles by professors from universities and colleges in the United States. As can be seen from these articles, the higher learning institutions in the United States are filled with the air of war hysteria, full of persecution and improvement of the air of professors and students. An article is very anxious to point out that American universities are no longer the center of scientific thought. Atomic dealers are struggling to exclude liberal science from higher education. For example, three of the nation’s largest universities-in Oregon, Washington, and California-have dismissed lecturers who championed the hereditary doctrine of progressive Soviet scientist Lysenko.
AIM:To determine hepatitis C virus (HCV) seroprevalence and its genotypes,and to identify the factors associated with HCV infection.METHODS:This cross-sectional
世界和平理事會: 欣聞國際醫學工作者會議即將召開,特電擁護。我們新中國的醫學工作者一向認為:戰爭與人民健康,戰爭與醫學發展是絕不相容的。在擴大保衛和平力量堅决粉碎戰
AIM: To assess whether Most Care is able to detect the cardiovascular alterations in response to physiological stress (posture). METHODS: Non invasive hemodynam
AIM: To assess the diagnostic value of computed tomography (CT) imaging in screening for abdominal nonhematogenous disseminated tuberculous lymphadenopathy (TL)
胼胝体变性(Marchiafave-Bignaini Disease,MDB)是一种少见的脱髓鞘性病变。病因尚不明确,可能是由于嗜酒造成乙醇中毒,致胼胝体内脱髓鞘,从而导致神经细胞的变性坏死。现就