1. 在中国古代典籍中,很早便把中国以南浩瀚无边的海洋称为南海。从今天的地理概念来说,南海包括东起菲律宾群岛、西抵阿拉伯半岛和非洲东部的广大地区。中国与南海的交往,可以追溯到公元以前三世纪。秦、汉之际,在岭南地区出现了南越国。考古工作者在南越的墓葬中发现了南海出产的象牙、犀角、玻璃碗等物,说明岭南已与海外有一定的交往。汉武帝(前141-前87年)灭南越,派遣使者从岭南出海,遍访海外诸国,这是见于文献的中国与南海交通的开始。自此以后,中国与南海的交通,日益发展。
1. In ancient Chinese ancient books, it was very early that the vast sea south of China was called the South China Sea. From today’s geographical concept, the South China Sea includes the vast area from the Philippine Islands to the east, the Arabian Peninsula to the west and eastern Africa. The exchanges between China and the South China Sea can be traced back to the third century BC. On the occasion of the Qin and Han dynasties, there appeared the South Vietnam State in the Lingnan region. Archaeologists found tusks, rhinoceros horn, glass bowls and other objects produced in the South China Sea in tombs in South Vietnam, indicating that Lingnan has had some contacts with overseas countries. Emperor Hanwu (141 BC-87 BC) destroyed South Vietnam and sent messengers from Lingnan to visit overseas countries. This is the beginning of the traffic between China and the South China Sea, as seen in the literature. Since then, traffic between China and the South China Sea has been growing.