2011年我国坚强智能电网进入全面建设阶段,将推广建设11类智能电网试点工程。建成智能变电站67座;在19个城市核心区建成配电自动化系统;推广应用5 000万具智能电表;新建173座电动汽车充换电站和9 211个充电桩;完成25个智能小区/楼宇建设;推广建设6.2万户电力光纤到户;完成中新天津生态城智能电网综合示范工程建设;接纳
In 2011, China’s strong smart grid entered the stage of overall construction and will promote the construction of 11 pilot smart grid projects. Built 67 smart substations; completed distribution automation system in 19 core districts; popularized 50 million smart meters; newly built 173 electric vehicle charging stations and 9 211 charging posts; completed 25 smart residential buildings / buildings ; Promote the construction of 62,000 electric fiber-to-the-home units; complete the construction of the comprehensive demonstration project of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city smart grid;