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本研究结果表明:籼稻D_4珍汕97A花粉败育发生在单核期,其余粳稻不育系花粉败育发生在双核至三核期。败育原因在于花粉发育过程中的第二次分化发生障碍,导致发育缓慢,到开花期仍不能成熟而表现败育。不育系花粉母细胞减数分裂基本正常。不同核质互作类型的不育系,花粉败育特征和败育程度有所不同,可分为4组:1组,X黎明A;2组,D_1、D_3黎明A和科情三号A;3组,D_1、D_8滇榆一号A和D_4、D_9科情三号A;4组,D_4珍汕97A。1,2组的不育系花粉败育程度较轻,易受环境条件影响而表现出不育性不稳定,出现少量自交结实现象。就细胞质的遗传效应而言,X型与D型相差明显,D_1和D_3型相似;X、D_1和D_3型不育性较不稳定,D_4、D_8和D_9型不育性较稳定。 The results showed that the pollen abortion occurred in the monokaryon stage of indica rice D_4 Zhenshan 97A, and the rest of the japonica CMS lines were in the dinucleus to the trinucleate stage. The reason for the abortion is that the second differentiation in the process of pollen development is impeded, resulting in slow development, failure to mature at flowering and abortion. Pollen mother cell meiotic division sterile basically normal. Different types of cytoplasmic male sterile lines, pollen abortion characteristics and abortion levels are different, can be divided into 4 groups: 1 group, X Dawn A; 2 groups, D_1, D_3 Dawn A and Section 3 ; 3 groups, D_1, D_8 Dian Yu 1 A and D_4, D_9 Section 3 A; 4 groups, D_4 Zhenshan 97A. Pollen abortion of 1, 2 groups of sterile lines was less susceptible to environmental conditions and showed sterility instability, a small amount of selfing and fruiting phenomenon. For the cytoplasmic genetic effect, X-type and D-type are obviously different, D_1 and D_3 are similar; X, D_1 and D_3 type sterility is less stable, D_4, D_8 and D_9 type sterility is more stable.
给出了具有语音功能的条码解码系统DSS的硬件设计。该条码解码系统具有良好的人机界面。 The hardware design of bar code decoding system DSS with speech function is give