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南海北部陆缘位于特提斯与古太平洋两大构造域的叠合部位,构造特征十分复杂,其构造属性一直是国内外学者争论的焦点,从主动陆缘到被动陆缘,火山型被动陆缘到非火山型被动陆缘等均有表述.南海复杂的形成机制以及东、西部构造差异性所引起的地球物理、岩浆活动等认识的异同,是造成南海北部陆缘构造属性认识差异的主要原因.通过与全球典型地区的比较研究,进一步加强对南海形成演化过程分析,开展大洋钻探与多学科综合分析,揭示南海海盆的多期扩张与多盆张裂特征,是认识南海北部陆缘构造属性的关键.探讨了南海三叉裂谷张裂模式,初步认为南海第1次扩张具有非火山型被动陆缘性质,第2次扩张具有火山型陆缘性质.“,”The northern margin of South China Sea,known for its complicated tectonic features,is located at the intersection of the Tethyan and Paleo-Pacific tectonic domains.There are hot debates on its tectonic behavior from an active continental margin to a passive continental margin and from a volcanic passive continental margin to a non-volcanic passive continental margin.Differences are coming from several reasons: ① different models are adopted to study the formation and evolution of the South China Sea;② the tectonic characteristics of South China Sea margins are diverse;③ lack of detailed understanding of magmatic activities;④ constraint of research methods.In order to better understand the tectonic behavior of the north margin of the South China Sea,it is suggested carrying out comparative study with some typical areas in the world,further analyzing the process of formation and evolution of the South China Sea and carrying out Ocean Drilling and multi-disciplinary comprehensive analysis so as to reveal the characteristics of multi-phase expansion of South China Sea and the tectonic attributes of the northern margin.Our initial study shows that the expansion of three sub-basins in SCS is similar to the formation of Trigeminal Rift System.The first phase of sea-floor spreading was mainly driven by tectonic tension and characterized by Non-volcanic passive continental margin,while the second phase sea-floor spreading was driven by upwelling of the mantle and as a result formed was a volcanic passive continental margin.
教具的作用就在于借助图片、卡片和实物来加深学生对学习内容的理解、记忆,使英语教学过程变得生动、形象、直观、有趣,教具为小学生学好英语提供了良好的基础。下面,我就教具在小学英语课堂教学中的作用作以下浅析。   一、教具——激发学生的学习兴趣   英语教学过程中,要特别注意“新”“奇”“趣”,以激发学生学习积极性,使他们处于主动地位,形成直接的学习动机,让他们拥有寻求知识、获取成功、享受快乐、感受美的
摘 要:小学音乐课堂学生互动是指在和谐情境下,发生在学生与学生之间的相互交流、对话的动态过程。教师要营造精彩的互动氛围,调动学生学习音乐的积极性,促进课堂高效互动,鼓励学生自主探究音乐知识,让小学音乐课堂教学精彩不断。  关键词:学生互动;高效课堂;问题导入  一、灵活创设情境,点燃互动之火  1.问题导入,让口动  导入是小学音乐课堂教学的开场白,它起着酝酿学生情绪、集中学生注意力的作用。童心就
英文成语中有很多和地名、国名有关的习语或成语,选列以下几条加以说明。英籍苛常.Send to Coventry(抵制,绝交,拒绝于社交之外)直译是送往考文垂。考文垂是英国南部的一个城
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We collected, processed, identified, and analyzed the spores and pollen samples from the Zhuanchengzi Bed of the Yixian Formation in the Yingwoshan area of west