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地覆天翻,沧桑巨变,琅琊酿酒技艺不断得以流传,至新中国成立前夕,胶南境内仍有不少的小酿酒作坊。五十年代以后,政府着力发展地方传统工业,挖掘古琅琊酿酒技艺,将原有的小作坊合并组建了胶南酒厂,即现在的青岛琅琊台酒厂。经过广大职工的艰苦努力,工厂得到逐步发展,生产规模不断扩大,厂容厂貌、生产设备、品种产量都发生了巨大变化。特别是八十年代以来,该厂乘着改革的东风,踏着开放的浪潮,深化内部改变,推动技术进步,强化企业管理,加快扩产步伐,使企业插上了腾飞的翅膀,焕发出勃勃生机。目前青岛琅琊台酒厂占地面积25万平方米,有职工1300余人,年生产各类酒20000吨,年销售收入达2.5亿元,实现利税8000万元。企业已连续两年跨入了全国500家最佳效益工业企业的行列,成为全国饮料制造业百 Overwhelmingly, the vicissitudes of life, and the brewing techniques have continued to spread. On the eve of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, there are still many small wineries in Jiaonan. After the 1950s, the government focused on the development of local traditional industries, digging out the ancient Shu winemaking skills, and combining the original small workshops to form Jiaonan winery, which is now the Qingdao Hantai winery. After the hard work of the employees, the factory has been gradually developed, the scale of production has been continuously expanded, and the plant appearance, production equipment, and variety output have undergone tremendous changes. Especially since the 1980s, the plant has taken advantage of the reform and has been following a wave of opening up, deepening internal changes, promoting technological advancement, strengthening enterprise management, and accelerating the pace of expansion, so that enterprises can take off and take off. vitality. At present, Qingdao Futai Winery covers an area of ​​250,000 square meters, employs more than 1,300 people, produces 20,000 tons of various types of wine, has an annual sales income of 250 million yuan, and realizes profits and taxes of 80 million yuan. The company has entered the ranks of the nation’s 500 best-performing industrial companies for two consecutive years, becoming a national beverage manufacturing industry
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1我国醋酸工业状况1.1生产概况 随着我国石油化学工业的发展,醋酸的生产发展很快。1980年,我国冰醋酸的产量为12.46万t,1992年产量创历史最高纪录,为44.37万t,比1980年增长
据CMR报道,世界食品添加剂需求约为150亿美元:其中香料占40~50亿美元,居首位;甜味剂15亿美元;树脂类和增稠剂13~15亿美元;乳化剂7~8亿美元。 According to CMR, the world dem
通过对我国卫生保健用纺织品行业生产现状的调查分析,指出了发展本行业的趋势及方向,为企业生产和科研提供参考。 Through the investigation and analysis of the producti