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陆、海、空模型制作属于国防军体项目之一,是广大少年儿童喜闻乐见既动手又动脑的制作活动。同时,还是进行热爱科学、热爱祖国教育的好形式。 目的任务 一、使学生了解陆上车辆模型、航海和航空模型及航天飞行器模型的发展史、种类、用途、现状及前景。从而使学生开拓视野,培养兴趣,激发研究与试验的热情,提高参与的意识,并能懂得一些浅显的科学道理。 二、掌握初级的制作技能技巧,提高动手能力和创造能力,发挥其特长。特别在各种制作、参观、参展、参赛、评比和讨论等实践活动中锻炼自制能力和交往的能力,培养互助的高尚品德。 Land, sea and air model is one of the national defense military projects, is the majority of children are loved by both hands and brains of the production activities. At the same time, it is still a good form for those who love science and love their motherland. Objectives and Objectives 1. To enable students to understand the history, types, uses, status quo and prospects of land vehicle models, navigation and aviation models and space vehicle models. So that students broaden their horizons, develop interest, stimulate the enthusiasm of research and experimentation, improve the awareness of participation, and can understand some simple scientific truth. Second, master the basic skills of production skills, improve practical ability and creativity, to play its specialty. In particular, in a variety of production, visits, exhibitors, entries, appraisals and discussions and other practical activities in the ability to exercise self-control and exchanges, foster mutual noble character.
泉州东街片区改造以其新颖设计和当地传统建筑环境溶为一体,维持了街区的氛围,展现东街改造中历史文化内涵和现代市街空间的乡土活力。 The renovation of the East Street ar
切线的性质定理:圆的切线垂直于经过 切点的半径. 反证法对于初中阶段学生接受起来比较 困难,不易理解.下面给出另外一种证法. Tangential property theorem: The tangent of a
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