,Information Measure for Size Distribution of Avalanches in the Bak-Sneppen Evolution Model

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caicai432111
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Information of avalanche size distribution is measured by calculating information entropy (IE) in the Bak-Sneppen evolution model. It is found that the IE increases as the model evolves. Specifically, we establish the relation between the IE and the self-organized threshold fc. The variation of the IE near the critical point yields an exponent entropy index E = (т - l)/<б, where т and б represent the critical exponents for avalanche size distribution and avalanche size cutoff, respectively. A new quantity Dт(g) (g = 1 - (fc - G)(r-1)/б , where G is the gap of the current state), denned as 1 - Ⅰт(g)/Ⅰт(l), with Ⅰт(g) and Ⅰт(l) being the IE for the current state and the critical one respectively, is suggested that it represents the distance between the state with gap G and the critical one.
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这是我第一次参加《江西教育》编辑部组织的全省通讯员、作者培训班,所以我格外珍惜这次机会。经过为期四天的学习,我受益颇丰。  “什么是教育新闻?我们该如何采写教育新闻?”培训班上,有学员问道。《中国教育报》江西记者站徐光明站长告诉我们,写好教育新闻,要学会讲“三种话”。一是要善于“讲新话”,包括通过借鉴吸收说的“洋话”;二是要学会“讲土话”,突出地方特色,力求与众不同;三是要精通“讲行话”,突出行业
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以前,我参加过不少培训活动,但对于这次《江西教育》编辑部组织的培训活动,我还是第一次参加。此前,我总认为这样的培训不过是授课教师在台上大讲特讲高深的理论知识,台下学员只顾频繁点头和鼓掌,收效甚微。可参加完这次培训,我看到的是一支活到老、学到老的编辑队伍和一支谦虚好学、教学严谨的写作队伍。  27日那天,虽说开课时间比较早,但大家都非常积极,等我进去的时候,里面已经坐满了听课的学员。一系列的讲座,让
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